Not to mention the money that the province of Alberta is making from the oil sand operations, the operations in Alberta are making thousands of jobs opportunities for the people in Alberta. According to the Alberta Energy, there are around 121,500 Albertans who are currently working for the oi...
Its summary doesn’t mention lapses in oversight, risk assessment and company standards. Nor does it explain that the company knew since 2012 that this section of pipe was warped and that investigators concluded that played a key role in the pipeline eventu...
the Harper government negotiated an obscure agreement called the Canada-China Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (FIPA). Among other promises, the bilateral investment treaty guarantees China the construction of a pipeline from Alberta to BC. ...
Ted Morton (2018, n.p.), a former Minister of Finance and Energy in the government of Alberta and fellow with the Atlas-affiliated Manning Centre argued “Let’s be clear: a federally owned pipeline is hardly what anyone wanted. But it’s better than no pipeline at all” and further ...
those living near to the railroad received direct benefits by being close to a unique transportation system. For oil pipelines, the risks and rewards are disproportionate: Alberta gets to reap nearly all of the profits of oil sands expansion, while BC gets to assume all of the risk of marine...
The company reports that after years of talks, it has signed 33 Mutual Benefit Agreements with B.C. Aboriginal groups and another 10 in Alberta. It says these deals are expected to provide in excess of $400 million to those groups.
“I see this as a possible generational change in the community, where potentially you have Coastal GasLink and Pacific Trails [Pipeline] providing seven years of well-paying, well-meaning jobs,” said Young, adding he also saw the training that goes into the jobs being useful well after a...
Calgary-based Cenovus Energy Inc. used Trans Mountain this summer to collect oil from Alberta to fill an oil tanker in Burnaby and ship it through the Panama Canal to an Irving Oil refinery on the other side of the country in Saint John. ...
This project has the potential to create thousands of solid middle-class jobs for Canadians, people in B.C., Alberta and right across the country would have more opportunities to earn a good living. (Speech4) In this statement the government invokes national solidarity amongst fellow working Can...