去年,为了帮助企业解决多条流水线快速创建、批量管理、满足跳过/分支等复杂流程编排场景,云效全新上线了 Pipeline as Code 能力。企业可以用 YAML 方式创建流水线,基于云效提供的 YAML 模板,只需少量修改,就可以快速编排出满足业务场景的流水线。 简单几步就可以把 YAML 用起来 提到YAML,不少同学首先想到的是使用门槛。
二、Pipeline as Code Pipeline as Code 是“as Code” 运动的一种 ,引用 Gitlab 官网对 Pipeline as Code 的解释: _Pipeline as code is a practice of defining deployment pipelines through source code, such as Git. Pipeline as code is part of a larger “as code” movement that includes infrastr...
Pipeline as code is an approach to a continuous integration (CI) pipeline where the pipeline is expressed entirely in computer code. The entire pipeline, stored in version control, is expressed as a single script or program that can run with a single command-line execution. This may be best ...
大家最早都听过IaC,也就是Infrastructure as Code。由于虚拟化和云计算的快速发展,使得以代码形式管理基础设施成为可能,它也给IT管理方法带来了新的机会,最终激发了DevOps的产生。 PaC也就是Pipeline as code出现的时间相对较晚,它是指将构建和部署的流水线使用代码形式进行管理。在此之前,流水线一般使用UI形式进行创...
Jenkins 1.x只能通过界面来手动描述部署流水线。 Jenkins 2.x开始支持pipeline as code,可以通过代码来描述部署流水线。 pipeline as code的意义在于: 更好的版本化 将pipeline提交到版本库中进行版本控制。 更好的协作 pipeline的每个修改对团队成员可见, 另外还可以对pipeline进行代码审核。
1.Pipeline是Jenkins2.X的最核心的特性,帮助Jenkins实现从与的转变;2.Pipeline是一组插件它可以让Jenkins可以实现持续交付 Pipeline的落地和实施。3.Pipeline提供了一组可扩展的工具,通过可以达到 Pipeline as Code(Jenkinsfile存储在项目的源代码库)的目的。
2.Jenkins 2.x 开始支持 pipeline as code ,可以通过代码来配置流水线了。 Q: 为什么要使用Pipeline? 1.Pipeline是Jenkins2.X的最核心的特性,帮助Jenkins实现从CI到CD与AutoDevOps的转变; 2.Pipeline是一组插件它可以让Jenkins可以实现持续交付 Pipeline的落地和实施。 3.Pipeline提供了一组可扩展的工具,通过Pipeli...
Latest version: 1.1.0, last published: 2 years ago. Start using @buildable/pipeline-as-code in your project by running `npm i @buildable/pipeline-as-code`. There are 2 other projects in the npm registry using @buildable/pipeline-as-code.
The ability tostore your CI build in source controlhas been a long running request for VSTS and TFS garnering more than 650 votes on user voice. Having your CI defined alongside your application source gives you the ability to evolve your CI as your code evolves and to apply source centric...
With Foremast, Developers create a couple simple JSON configs per application. These configs provide details on the pipeline and infrastructure specific to the application's needs. Foremast takes those configs, renders some Jinja2 templates, and then acts as a client for the Spinnaker Gate API. ...