Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)ScheduleOutside Diameter (OD)Wall Thickness (WT)Weight (in lbs/ft) 1/2″ 40 0.840″ 0.109″ 0.60 1/2″ 80 0.840″ 0.147″ 0.85 3/4″ 40 1.050″ 0.113″ 0.75 3/4″ 80 1.050″ 0.154″ 1.10 1″ 40 1.315″ 0.133″ 1.05 1″ 80 1.315″ 0.179″ 1.60 1 1/...
Steel pipe dimensions and weight chart NPSOutside DiameterWall ThicknessWeightWeight inmminmmSchedkg/MtrLb/ft 1/2"0.840210.1092.76940 STD1.2680.851 0.1473.73480 STD1.6211.088 3/4"1.050270.1132.87040 STD1.6841.131 0.1543.91280 STD2.1951.474 ...
NPSODSchedule DesignationsWall ThicknessInside DiameterWeight (Inches)(ANSI/ASME)(Inches)(Inches)(lbs./ft.) 222210/10S0.2521.558.07 Std./20/40S0.37521.2586.61 XS/30/80S0.521114.81 600.87520.25197.41 801.12519.75250.81 1001.37519.25302.88 1201.62518.75353.61 ...
Pipe SizeVolumeWeight inin3/ftgallons/ftlb/ft 1/8“0.1473 in30.000637 gal0.005323 lbs 1/4“0.589 in30.00255 gal0.0213 lbs 3/8“1.325 in30.005737 gal0.0479 lbs 1/2“2.356 in30.0102 gal0.0852 lbs 3/4“5.301 in30.0229 gal0.1916 lbs
Access our downloadable pipe schedule chart for accurate dimensions. Find the best-in-class product solutions tailored to your needs.
cu in gallons liters Weight: lbs kg Plumbers and other contractors need the right tools to solve complex math equations in the field, such as calculating the volume of a pipe to determine how much water it can handle. ServiceTitan’s pipe volume calculator makes a pipe calculation simple and...
Inner Diameter (in.) Outer Diameter (in.) Weight / Foot (lbs/ft.) PVC CPVC 1/2 0.147 0.546 0.840 0.20 0.22 3/4 0.154 0.742 1.050 0.27 0.30 1 0.179 0.957 1.315 0.41 0.44 1 1/4 0.191 1.278 1.660 0.52 0.61 1 1/2 0.200 1.500 1.900 0.67 0.74 2 0.218 1.939 2.375 0.95 1.02...
Check API 5L Pipe Sizes, API 5L Pipe Schedule Chart, API 5L pipe wall thickness tolerance, Length Tolerances, API 5L Grade B Pipe Weight and API Line Pipe thread dimensions
Note that this is a fluid ounce measuring volume, not the typical ounce that measures weight. It only applies for a liquid ounce in U.S. measurements.Metric conversions and provides an online conversion calculator for all types of measurement units. You can find metric ...
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