msgrcv()系统调用:从消息队列中读取(以及删除)一条消息并将其内容复制进 msgp 指向的缓冲区中。 #include<sys/types.h> #include<sys/msg.h> ssizet msgrcv(int msqid,void *msgp,sizet maxmsgsz,long msgtyp,int msgflg); 返回值:成功返回数据长度,错误返回-1 参数 msqid:消息队列的标识码。 *msgp:...
exit(1); }if(msgrcv(msqid, &msg1,sizeof(msg1),0, IPC_NOWAIT) <0) { perror("msgrcv"); exit(1); } printf("receive message : %s\n", msg1.mtext);if(msgctl(msqid, IPC_STAT, &buf) <0) { perror("msgctl"); exit(1); } printf("message queue # of messages is: %d\n", bu...
-C<n> -- test count -I<n> -- iteration count -m<0/1> -- notification (1=msgsnd/msgrcv, 0=sem*) -S<0/1> -- 1=pipe set maximum size (F_SETPIPE_SZ) -x<0/1> -- 1=child scan/process data -v<0/1> -- 1=copy results to stdout It turns out that ...
if (msgrcv(id, &msg, sizeof(msg.mtext), 0, 0) == -1) { perror("msgrcv"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (msg.mtype == 1) { // 收到结束信号 printf("Server received termination signal. Exiting...\n"); if (msgctl(id, IPC_RMID, NULL) == -1) { ...
msgrcv Compliance H Syntax H Definition H G msgsnd Compliance H Syntax H Definition H G my Compliance H Syntax H Definition H G next Compliance H Syntax H Definition H Example H G no Compliance H G shmctl Compliance H Syntax H Definition H G shmget Compliance H Syntax H Definition H G ...
$ ps auxf | grep mysql 上面命令行里的「|」竖线就是一个管道,它的功能是将前一个命令(ps aux...