The machine bores a hole into the main and taps a screw-thread in the hole. By rotating the head of the machine, the ferrule is brought into position over the hole and screwed into place. The ferrule has a plug in it which can be screwed down, thus cutting off the supply. Sign in...
This section provides an overview for pipe adapters as well as their applications and principles. Also, please take a look at the list of 152 pipe adapter manufacturers and their company rankings.
After it had been sanded, we took it inside and got working on the legs. We thoroughly cleaned the pipes using a combination of citrus grease cutting cleaner, dish soap and goo gone. There was a lot of errant stickers and tape on the pipes along with the grease, so all these tools we...
If you don't want to use rigid black steel or rigid galvanized steel, and go through the trouble of cutting and threading, there are different brands of flexible, stainless steel, plastic sheathed tubing (Ward-Flex is an example) that can be used, but this requires a license or permit to...