几个小时前,YouTube 宣布正式推出画中画 (PiP) 模式播放功能。在接下来的几个小时内,该功能将在美国所有用户中收到,并且可能会考虑提前扩展到欧洲。 因此,您可以在 iOS 和 iPadOS 上以 PiP 模式播放 YouTube 视频 YouTube 一直不愿在 iOS 和 iPadOS 上推出浮动播放 (PiP) 模式。 然而,时隔数月终于该功...
=Why choose Tube PiP?= - Completely free, no hidden charges! - The interface is simple and easy to use! - Provides the advanced features of the official YouTube App, but you don't need to spend a cent! Whether you want to learn or have fun, Tube PiP is the perfect companion. Dow...
If your video player app (YouTube) doesn’t support PIP right now, then you may have to wait for the developer to update the app compatible with iOS 14 with PiP. Alternatively, you may go to youtube.com in Safari, play a video, and make it full screen. Now you can select the ...
YouTube现在为所有用户提供了使用画中画模式观看视频的能力,该模式将视频播放器缩小到手机或平板电脑上的小浮动屏幕。这项功能并不像一些人之前猜测的那样只限于高级客户,尽管这些高级客户将首先获得画中画的支持。 Android用户使用YouTube的画中画模式已经有一段时间了,随着设备变得更大、更高分辨率的显示屏,它变得越来越...
YouTube的子母畫面功能可以讓你一邊 FB、IG,同時一邊看影片,但這項功能目前也只有開放給Premium的會員使用,如果是一般免費會員想要用子母畫面PiP(Picture in Picture 畫中畫)功能的話,可以試試透過《YubePiP》,簡單兩三下就可以搞定。 我會把這個 App 的下載連結放在最後一段,大家看完介紹以後就可以順手下載來用...
1. Paste the URL to the Video on Youtube in the search box or use the shortcut in the Safari share sheet 2. start the video in fullscreen mode 3. use the picture in picture button BETA: download videos to watch offline by pressing the download button at the top ...
This includes YouTube in 4K, AirPods Audio Sharing from Apple TV, AirPlay in PiP, selection of screensaver themes, support for keyboard and mouse, support for haptic feedback and light in game controllers. tvOS 14 for Apple TVToday at its developers conference WWDC, Apple has unveiled the ...
该截止日期每次结束时都会延长,最近一次被推迟到 3 月 14 日。 除了作为全球付费发布的指标外,该日期还表明美国 iOS 用户的非付费 YouTube 何时能够通过广告免费使用 PiP,尽管音乐内容不包括在后台播放中。 同时,YouTube 也在测试“在桌面上观看视频时阅读评论”的功能。这重新设计了播放器下的 UI,以便在频道...
I recently got iPhone 14 pro max, iOS 16.5. PiP is not working on MS Teams, YouTube… For example when driving I can’t see small window with video. And when replaying a recorded meeting in Teams if I switch to a different app or lock the phone, playback stops. PiP is ...
iPhone用户终于可以在iOS14上使用画中画,但YouTube应用程序阻止了这一功能。安装了PiP-it后,您只需点击Share>More>Picture in Picture With PiP-it从Y | PiP-it怎么样,是否值得买 | Mergeek.com