5、采用pip install pillow安装pillow,并提示成功安装,但是from PIL import Image提示错误ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PIL' 解决:先卸载,后重装。 pip uninstall pillow pip install pillow easy_install Pillow 6、采用pip install pillow==7.2.0安装7.2.0版本的pillow,提示错误Pillow 7.2.0 does not...
您可以将多个包传递给pipuninstall命令。如果您没有添加任何额外的开关,那么您需要确认卸载每个包。通过传递-y开关,您可以在没有任何确认对话框的情况下将它们全部卸载。 您还可以通过提供-r<requirementsfile>选项来卸载需求文件中列出的所有包。此命令将提示每个包的确认请求,但您可以使用-y开关抑制它: 视窗 Linux+...
install Install packages.uninstall Uninstall packages.freeze Output installed packages in requirements format.list List installed packages.show Show information about installed packages.search Search PyPI for packages.wheel Build wheels from your requirements.zip DEPRECATED. ...
运行pip --help运行这个命令将帮助我们更好地了解pip的使用,pip命令的参数会完整展示出来,如下: pip --helpUsage:pip [options]Commands:installInstallpackages.downloadDownloadpackages.uninstallUninstallpackages.freezeOutputinstalledpackagesinrequirementsformat.inspectInspectthepythonenvironment.listListinstalledpackages.show...
uninstall Uninstall packages. freeze Output installed packages in requirements format. list List installed packages. show Show information about installed packages. check Verify installed packages have compatible dependencies. config Manage local and global configuration. ...
pip uninstall <package_name> 5:搜索库 在决定安装某个库之前,你可能想先了解下有哪些可用的库能满足你的需求。这时可以使用search命令: pip search <keyword> 比如查找与机器学习相关的库,你可以输入 pip search machine learning。 6:查看已安装库详细信息 ...
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pip uninstall package pip uninstall -r requirements.txt 1. 2. 更新包 pip install --upgrade package pip install -U package # --upgrade 可简写为 -U 1. 2. 显示包所在的目录 pip show -f <包名> 1. 查询可升级的包 pip list --outdated # 列出所有过期的库 ...
Description While I originally reported this issue on ansible/ansible#79271 but we closed it as not being able to reproduce, I was finally able to find what can cause pip uninstall to perform an incomplete installations, one that would b...