针对您遇到的“error: cannot uninstall pip 24.0, record file not found. hint: the package was installed by debian”问题,我们可以从以下几个方面进行理解、分析和解决: 1. 理解错误信息 问题核心:尝试卸载pip时失败,因为找不到记录文件(RECORD file)。 原因提示:pip是由Debian系统的包管理器安装的,而不是...
59.32 ERROR: Cannot uninstall numpy 1.26.4, RECORD file not found. Hint: The package was installed by debian. --- Dockerfile:28 --- 26 |# RUN pip install --ignore-installed numpy27 |# RUN pip install --ignore-installed PyYAML==5.228 | >>> RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requ...
Hint: The package was installed by rpm. (#8954) Add an additional level of verbosity. --verbose (and the shorthand -v) now contains significantly less output, and users that need complete full debug-level output should pass it twice (--verbose --verbose or -vv). (#9450) New resolver...
installed package idocker 1.4.0, installed using Python 3.11.2 These apps are now globally available - idocker done! ✨ 🌟 ✨ 这个问题涉及到在 Debian 系统中使用 pip 安装第三方包时遇到的限制。在 Debian 和其他基于 Debian 的系统(如 Ubuntu)中,通常建议使用 apt(Advanced Package Tool)来安装...
Method 1: Debian APT Repository Follow the steps below to install Pip from the official Debianaptrepository: 1. Update the package repository to ensure the latest version is installed. Run the command below: sudo apt update 2. Install the Pip package for Python: ...
PIP is automatically installed with Python 3.4.x+. However, depending on how Python was installed, PIP may not be available on the system automatically. Before installing PIP on Windows, check if it is already installed: 1. Launch the command prompt window by pressing Windows Key + X and cl...
gedit etc/apt/sources.list的。将打开一个文件。检查这些给定的行是否存在于该文件中:...
Successfully installed pip-21.2.4 setuptools-57.4.0 wheel-0.37.0 WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead: https://pip.pypa.io/warnings/venv ...
‘/etc/my.cnf’ is ignored 大量的TIME_WAIT解决办法 解决debian TAB 键不能自动补全命令的原因 linux中把.c的文件编译成.so文件 Apache 2.4 编码GB2312中文乱码 /dev/null 2 sleep命令 CentOS 7.4下编译安装Hadoop 2.7.6 CentOS 7.0下使用yum安装MySQL CentOS系统IPtables防火墙添加IP白名单 curl获取网站的...