If you need to find which version of a specific package is installed, use the pip show <package-name> command. shell pip show requests If you need to check the versions of all of the installed, packages, use the pip freeze command. ...
Environment pip version: 20.3.2 Python version: 3.7.2 OS: Linux Description If you use pip to update requirements after installing 20.3.2 it goes into an infinite loop resolving and downloading previous versions of dependencies. This hap...
For example,pip listwill show you all the packages installed in your current Python environment, along with their versions.pip show packagewill give you more detailed information about a specific package. Meanwhile,pip uninstall packagewill remove a package from your environment. The--upgradeoption c...
The show command tells you that requests requires certifi, idna, charset-normalizer, and urllib3. You probably want to uninstall those too. Notice that requests isn’t required by any other package. So it’s safe to uninstall it. You should run the show command against all of the requests...
...然后找到你对应的版本进行安装就可以了; 保持更新,更多精彩内容,请关注 cnblogs.com/xuyaowen 参考链接: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4888027.../python-and-pip-list-all-versions-of-a-package-thats-available 2.5K20 pip安装本地指定版本的whl文件 ...
note: This is an issue with the package mentioned above, not pip. hint: See above for details. 解决:pip install --upgrade pip setuptools==57.5.0 参考:stackoverflow.com/quest 20、Could not find module \atari_py\ale_interface\ale_c.dll (or one of its dependencies) 解决:...
If you reached this issue from the pip deprecation warning and lack information to know where the non-conforming string was used, please re-run your pip command with -v or -vv to show more detailed logs which will help in locating the problem. If you are the user of a package that is...
hash Compute hashes of package archives. completion A helper command used for command completion. help Show help for commands. General Options: -h, --help Show help. --isolated Run pip in an isolated mode, ignoring environment variables and user configuration. ...
hash Compute hashes of package archives. completion A helper command used for command completion. debug Show information useful for debugging. help Show help for commands. General Options: -h, --help Show help. --debug Let unhandled exceptions propagate outside the ...
1. 使用单个约束文件: pip install -c constraints.txt package_name 这将使用 constraints.txt 文件中指定的版本约束来安装 package_name。 2. 使用多个约束文件: pip install -c constraints1.txt -c constraints2.txt package_name 这将使用两个约束文件中指定的版本约束来安装 package_name。