1、打开配置文件:在命令行中输入echo $PROXY,查看当前的HTTP爬虫IP设置。如果没有任何设置,请创建一个新的配置文件。在Windows上,打开%USERPROFILE%\.pip\pip.conf;在Linux和 macOS 上,打开~/.pip/pip.conf。 2、添加HTTP爬虫IP信息:在配置文件中添加以下内容,将your_proxy和your_port替换为实际的HTTP爬虫IP地...
1、打开配置文件:在命令行中输入echo $PROXY,查看当前的HTTP爬虫IP设置。如果没有任何设置,请创建一个新的配置文件。在 Windows 上,打开%USERPROFILE%\.pip\pip.conf;在 Linux 和 macOS 上,打开~/.pip/pip.conf。 2、添加HTTP爬虫IP信息:在配置文件中添加以下内容,将your_proxy和your_port替换为实际的HTTP爬...
--proxy <proxy> Specify a proxy in the form [user:passwd@]proxy.server:port. --retries <retries> Maximum number of retries each connection should attempt (default 5 times). --timeout <sec> Set the socket timeout (default 15 seconds). --exists-action <action> Default action when a pat...
and can beused upto3times (correspondingtoWARNING,ERROR,andCRITICAL logging levels).--log <path> Path to a verbose appending log.--no-input Disable prompting for input.--proxy <proxy> Specify a proxy in the form[user:passwd@]proxy.server:port.--retries <retries> Maximum number of retries...
-q,--quietGiveless output.Optionisadditive,andcan be used up to3times(corresponding to WARNING,ERROR,andCRITICAL logging levels). --log<path>Pathto a verbose appending log. --proxy<proxy>Specifya proxyinthe form[user:passwd@]proxy.server:port. ...
--proxy <proxy> Specify a proxy in the form scheme://[user:passwd@]proxy.server:port. --retries <retries> Maximum number of retries each connection should attempt (default 5 times). --timeout <sec> Set the socket timeout (default 15 seconds). ...
--proxy <proxy> Specify a proxy in the form [user:passwd@]proxy.server:port. --retries <retries> Maximum number of retries each connection should attempt (default 5 times). --timeout <sec> Set the socket timeout (default 15 seconds). --exists-action <action> Default action when a pat...
一、PIP简介 PIP是一个现代的,通用的Python包管理工具。提供了对 Python 包的查找、下载、安装、卸载...
--proxy <proxy> Specify a proxy in the form scheme://[user:passwd@]proxy.server:port. --retries <retries> Maximum number of retries each connection should attempt (default 5 times). --timeout <sec> Set the socket timeout (default 15 seconds). ...
up to3times.-V,--version Show version and exit.-q,--quiet Give less output.Option is additive,and can be used up to3times(corresponding toWARNING,ERROR,andCRITICALlogging levels).--log<path>Path to a verbose appending log.--proxy<proxy>Specify a proxyinthe form[user:passwd@]proxy....