python -m pip install <package name> 如要安装MySQL的python支持包,可执行下面的命令: python -m pip install mysql 完整的pip命令如下: install Install packages. uninstall Uninstall packages. freeze Output installed packages in requirements format. list List installed packages. show Show information about ...
check Verify installed packages have compatible dependencies. config Manage local and global configuration. search Search PyPI for packages. cache Inspect and manage pip's wheel cache. index Inspect information available from package indexes. wheel Build wheels from your requirements. hash Compute hashes...
pip install -i package 通过requirements 文件批量安装第三方库 我们从GitHub等仓库中拉取代码之后,需要在本地运行项目时,如果项目带有requirements文件,我们只需要通过这个文件就可以一次性安装这个项目所需要的第三方库了。 pip install [options] -r [package-index-options] 示例...
6. Open a new command prompt session and run the following command to test the changes: pip help If the command does not work, try usingpip3instead ofpip. Alternatively, add the directory where Python is installed toPathand repeat the process. Step 5: Configuration In Windows, the PIP con...
package cowsay 2.0.3, Python 3.6.8 - cowsay 如果您尚未安装任何软件包,您将看到以下输出: nothing has been installed with pipx 😴 升级包 要升级包,只需执行以下操作: linuxidc@linuxidc:~/$ pipx upgrade cowsay 要一次性升级所有已安装的软件包,请使用: ...
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1. Tocheck if everything went right, open Windows Terminal or Command Prompt and run the below commands. If the installation was successful, the first command will display the Python version, and the second command will show the Pip version currently installed on your PC. ...
for each package. uninstall Uninstall a package uninstall-all Uninstall all packages reinstall-all Reinstall all packages list List installed packages run Download the latest version of a package to a temporary virtual environment, then run an app from ...
1. 使用单个约束文件: pip install -c constraints.txt package_name 这将使用 constraints.txt 文件中指定的版本约束来安装 package_name。 2. 使用多个约束文件: pip install -c constraints1.txt -c constraints2.txt package_name 这将使用两个约束文件中指定的版本约束来安装 package_name。
PEP 517 does not state that frontends should run hooks in an environment that adds the build directory to sys.path, and there's a potential concern that if we did that, it could break isolation (if the build directory contained a copy of some required but not specified package, for insta...