Install pyenv as well as upgrade your python following the instructions on this here Then in your terminal, if you run python -V and you still get the old version(system predefined version) showing: To resolve this: In your terminal run: alias python=python3 Then in your terminal execute p...
pip install on Python2.7 fails with the error: RuntimeError: Python version >= 3.5 required. this is because numpy has a release version 1.7 which requires 3.5 or above is i...
The same error would be raised on Ubuntu 20.04, only more workarounds were needed to installpython3.10there, see e.g. Output $pip3.10Traceback (most recent call last):File "/usr/bin/pip3.10", lin...
File"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip/_internal/commands/", line24,in<module>frompip._internal.cli.req_commandimportRequirementCommand File"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip/_internal/cli/", line19,in<module> File"/...
今天下载编译了Python3.6.6,然后安装TensorRT 4。执行下面步骤失败: cd python pip3 install tensorrt- 1. 2. 提示错误: is not a supported wheel on this platform 反复折腾了几次都不行。干脆把Python3.6卸载,下载了Python3.5,编译安装。再执行这个步骤就顺利通过。
在Python开发中,使用pip来安装和管理第三方包是非常常见的操作。然而,有时候在安装过程中会遇到报错提示“is not a supported wheel on this platform”,这意味着你尝试安装的包版本与你的操作系统平台不兼容。这种情况通常有以下几种解决方法:检查操作系统平台首先,确保你的操作系统平台与要安装的包版本兼容。有些包...
python下载.whl安装文件后使用pip安装有时候会提示报错"xxxxx not a supported wheel on this platform",应该是下载的库文件版本与当前运行的python不一致,重新下载安装包即可。 一般第三方库都会同时支持好几个python版本和环境,如何正确选择下载的安装包呢?例如安装OpenCV第三方库,官网上有这么多安装文件: ...
python -m pip download --destination-directory /root/package -r requirements.txt 中途遇到报错,ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement ethtool==0.8 (from -r requirements.txt (line 5)) (from versions: 0.13, 0.14) ...
WARNING:Thescript f2py.exeisinstalledin'C:\Users\WNeill\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\Scripts'whichisnoton PATH.Consideraddingthisdirectory to PATHor,ifyou prefer to suppressthiswarning,use--no-warn-script-location. I find this interesting, since ...
Basically, After installing/reinstall python, pipx got confused. I had already tried uninstalling/reinstalling pipx but it did not help. The link above saved the day. In addition to uninstalling/reinstalling pipx, I deleted the contents of the .local file and that worked...