`--python-version` 是 `pip install` 命令的一个选项,用于指定用于 wheel 文件和 "Requires-Python" 兼容性检查的 Python 解释器版本。默认情况下,该选项使用从运行解释器派生的版本。 详解: - `--python-version <python_version>`: 指定用于 wheel 文件和 "Requires-Python" 兼容性检查的 Python 解释器版本。
要更新 pip,您只需在终端中输入下面的命令: pipinstall--upgradepip# 更新 pip 到最新版本 1. 这行代码的含义是,通过 pip 工具来安装最新版本的 pip。在执行此命令后,pip 将自动下载并安装最新的版本。 第三步:验证更新 完成pip 的更新后,您可以再次使用以下命令来确认 pip 是否成功更新: pip--version# 再...
Install a package: pip install package Install a specific version of a package: pip install package==version Install packages listed in a file: pip install -r path/to/requirements.txt Install packages from an URL or local file archive (.tar.gz | .whl): pip install --find-links url|path...
安装指定版本的库:conda/pip install package==version # 例pip install pillow==7.2.0 update和upgrade 设置conda不自动启动base环境: conda config --set auto_activate_base false 设置conda自动启动base环境: conda config --set auto_activate_base true 克隆conda环境:conda create --name new_env_name --c...
brew install gcc --without-multilib Error: gcc-6.1.0_1 already installed To install this version, first 'brew unlink gcc' Contributor Author phunterlau commented Oct 30, 2016 @rayquazasnow please post the new error message from pip before downgrade gcc. Or, install from github. rayquazasnow...
原因:pip版本过低导致安装第三方库失败。 解决办法:更新pip版本 方案一:执行命令easy_install -U pip 方案二:若方案一失败,则可采用国内源下载更新。执行命令:python -m pip install --upgrade pip -i https://pypi.do
I have downloaded the source, stored it in folder~/pysrc35and created a new directory~/localpythonand installed it./configure --prefix=/home/<user>/.localpython make make install the python3 executable there works and thelocalpython/binlooks like2to3 easy_install-3.5 idle3...
1. After installation, run the below command in the Terminal toupgrade Pipto the latest version on Windows. Here’s what the syntax looks like: python -m pip install -U pip 2. In case you want todowngrade Pipto a specific version, run the below command: ...
You might question the need for specific versions. Why not just install the latest version of a package? The answer lies in the fact that different versions of a package can behave differently. Changes in a package’s code can introduce new features, modify existing ones, or even remove feat...
I think the solution could be to set in some way an argument for the pip install command, to select the std version, as the option is provided by setup.py, but I don't know how to do it:https://github.com/facebookresearch/fastText/blob/v0.9.2/setup.py#L195 ...