To install confluent-kafka-2.0.2 library, I downloaded the confluent-kafka-2.0.2.tar.gz package into "project_data/data_asset" directory and use following customization setting to create custom runtime environment template.channels:
pip install --cache-dir=/path/to/cache_dir package_name 1. 4.升级pip版本: 确保您使用的是最新版本的pip工具,因为较新的版本可能会提供更快的下载速度和性能改进。 升级pip: pip install --upgrade pip 1. 例如: #安装缓慢,最终报错。(venv)[root@AI my_rasa]# pip3 install -U pipRequirement alre...
--user Install to the Python user install directory for your platform. Typically ~/.local/, or %APPDATA%\Python on Windows. (See the Python documentation for site.USER_BASE for full details.) `--user` 是 `pip install` 命令的一个选项,用于将包安装到用户特定的目录,而不是系统范围的目录。...
1、常用命令 # pip 升级命令python -m pip install --upgrade pip# pip 帮助命令pip -h pip <command> -h piphelp<command> 2、pip install安装包 # 使用示例pipinstall<package_name> 3、pip uninstall卸载包 4、pip list列出包 5、pip show列出包信息 # 列出和包相关的文件 pipshow<package_name>-f ...
打开终端,执行指令:conda install python=3.8 不建议使用,更新很慢很慢,如果需要使用其他版本的python,建议新建一个conda环境。 PyTorch对应的CUDA版本 运行以下Python代码: importtorchprint(torch.version.cuda) 将输出与安装的PyTorch版本相对应的CUDA版本,如果在终端运行代码先激活安装了Pytorch的环境conda activate name...
pip install [options] [-e] <vcs project url> ... pip install [options] [-e] <local project path> ... pip install [options] <archive url/path> ... 直接安装 直接运行pip install [options] [package-index-options]这一条命令,即可安装自己想要的库,示例如下: ...
See #2195 (comment), for a summary of this issue. I am dubious of why pip needs 17 seconds to process a local directory that is not on NFS (in fact, it's on an SSD drive) for pip, which has no dependencies, since everything is vendored. ...
Optimized usage of --find-links=<path-to-dir>, by only scanning the relevant directory once, only considering file names that are valid wheel or sdist names, and only considering files in the directory that are related to the install. (#12327) Removed wheel from the [build-system]....
pip是Python的官方包管理工具,其名称源自“Pip Installs Packages”。它最初由Julien Phalip在2008年创建,目的是为了简化Python包的安装过程。随着时间的推移,pip逐渐成为了Python社区的标配工具。 主要功能 安装包 用户可以通过pip安装来自Python包索引(PyPI)的包,或者从其他源安装。
source <path/to/new/virtualenv>/bin/activate pip install -r <path/to/requirement.txt> Often, you will want a fast install from local archives, without probing PyPI. First, download the archives that fulfill your requirements: $ pip install --download <DIR> -r requirements...