$ pip install virtualenv and it paused for 3-4 seconds, then made the command prompt available again. Exactly like the previous time. When I checked to see whether virtualenv was installed, it was not. Essentially I have tried and tried to get pip up and running on my windows 7 Cygwin ...
I downloaded the repo and tghen trying to build on windows but it's not working. Error: (venv_gpt_engineer) PS gpt-engineer> pip install -e . ERROR: File "setup.py" or "setup.cfg" not found. Directory cannot be installed in editable mode: C:\Users\jiten\Desktop\Jack\Work\gpt-engi...
The student had hard time figuring this out, as "the pip command" would continue working after the deletion of .venv/Scripts/pip.exe: Windows was finding the "global pip", next on the PATH, itself trying to install things outside of the venv. Enhancing the message would be a good start...
I am trying to run below commands but it's not working on my windows machine.C:\Users\XXX\Desktop\python-7>pip install chalice -t . ERROR: Can not combine '--user' and '--target' C:\Users\XXX\Desktop\python-7>pip install --user --install-option="--prefix=" chalice...
在centos7系统安装完python3.8 ,使用pip3 install numpy 报错如下: 一直在朝着SSL的方向解决问题,但是无论是换版本重新装openssl还是重装python,都无济于事。 后来觉得一个warning错误可能不是根本原因,还是朝着error的问题入手,提示信息版本不匹配,那就去找别的试试,但是在numpy的官网找了好几个版本试过都不行。
安装报错:xxx is not a supported wheel on this platform 一. 在通过.whl文件导包时出现的错误,一般可能原因有以下两点: 安装的不是对应python版本的库 whl文件不是给本电脑系统用的 二. 解决办法 针对原因1就需要下载对python版本的包,若python版本为python3.11.0即选择cp311_cp311m的文件。 针对原因2则下载...
2.pip is configured with locations that require TLS/SSL, however the ssl module in Python is not avail 这个错误是执行pip install xlrd时报错的。后面还有一大堆,Could not fetch URL balabala... 这个问题查了好久,因为大多数针对Ubuntu等类Unix系统的,知道最后找到这一篇文章https://blog.csdn.net/buddin...
如果直接使用pip install --upgrade tensorflow由于国内网络问题,会导致下载不下来,所以可以在国内镜像去下载,我这里选的阿里云的镜像。我没使用文章后面的方法,因为下不下来,所以我是手动下载的,在这里直接Ctrl + F搜索tensorflow就可以找到下载地方了。 搜索TensorFlow ...
If you’re new to Python, getting up and running with pip and virtualenv can be a challenge, especially on Windows. Many guides I’ve seen out there assume eithera)you’re working on Linux or UNIX orb)you already have pip/setuptools installed, or you know how to install packages and m...
I originally installed python 3.10 (on Windows). However, had issues so I deleted and installed 3.9.5. I deleted all PATH mentions of 3.10 in my environmental variables.I'm new to coding and don't really understand PATHs well. Any help resolving this issue so I can pipx...