安装报错:xxx is not a supported wheel on this platform 一. 在通过.whl文件导包时出现的错误,一般可能原因有以下两点: 安装的不是对应python版本的库 whl文件不是给本电脑系统用的 二. 解决办法 针对原因1就需要下载对python版本的包,若python版本为python3.11.0即选择cp311_cp311m的文件。 针对原因2则下载...
在centos7系统安装完python3.8 ,使用pip3 install numpy 报错如下: 一直在朝着SSL的方向解决问题,但是无论是换版本重新装openssl还是重装python,都无济于事。 后来觉得一个warning错误可能不是根本原因,还是朝着error的问题入手,提示信息版本不匹配,那就去找别的试试,但是在numpy的官网找了好几个版本试过都不行。
I downloaded the repo and tghen trying to build on windows but it's not working. Error: (venv_gpt_engineer) PS gpt-engineer> pip install -e . ERROR: File "setup.py" or "setup.cfg" not found. Directory cannot be installed in editable mode: C:\Users\jiten\Desktop\Jack\Work\gpt-engi...
Looks like this was closed, but I'm still experiencing the issue. Two times today I've attempted to install something using pip, and got a message about a directory not being empty. When retrying pip states "Requirements already satisfied," but I'm not sure whether to trust my installatio...
原因:pip版本过低导致安装第三方库失败。 解决办法:更新pip版本 方案一:执行命令easy_install -U pip 方案二:若方案一失败,则可采用国内源下载更新。执行命令:python -m pip install --upgrade pip -ihttps://pypi.douban.com/simple
pip install -e .does work property when I run it from the terminal. I am running on Windows. Python version is 3.8. Pip version is 23.3. Setuptools version is 68.2.2. The screenshot is below.
This zsh: command not found: pip error mainly occurs while working with distinct Python versions in Linux and macOS. You must follow the below-mentioned troubleshooting processes: The path's location is vital as it creates the relationship between Python and the system. ...
Alternatively, typecmdin the Windows search bar and click the "Command Prompt" icon. 3. Type the following command in thecommand prompt: pip help If PIP responds with an error message saying the command is not recognized, follow one of the methods below to install it. ...
Install packages into . By default this will not replace existing files/folders in . Use --upgrade to replace existing packages in with new versions. (environment variable: PIP_TARGET) --platform <platform> Only use wheels compatible with <platform>. Defaults to the platform of the running...