# 打开Anaconda Prompt conda activate your_environment # 切换到目标环境 pip install your_package # 使用pip安装库 在Windows上: @echo off FOR /F "delims=~" %f in (requirements.txt) DO conda install --yes %f rem 8. conda 环境中使用 pip \n 请注意,上述代码中的your_environment和your_package...
ERROR_MSG='Pip not installed in current conda environment.' ERROR_MSG="$ERROR_MSG\nUse \`conda install pip\`" ERROR_MSG="$ERROR_MSG to install pip in current conda environment." [ -e "$CONDA_PREFIX/bin/pip" ] || (echo "$ERROR_MSG" && return 2) PIP="$CONDA_PREFIX/bin/pip" "...
综上所述,在混用 conda 和 pip 时,最好使用隔离的 conda 环境。只有在使用 conda 安装了尽可能多...
To add to what @andyfaff says: never ever pip install numpy in an environment where you already have numpy (or other packages) installed with conda. You should either use conda for everything or pip for everything, if you mix them things are likely to yield errors like the one you are...
Using pip in an environment 在conda environment中有些包既可以用conda install安装,也可以用pip install安装 对比: conda install 可以分析处理依赖关系 pip install 的包可能更多 通常,如果conda install 可以安装的话,优先使用conda, 否则再使用pip install 尝试(特别时一些冷门的包) ...
Using pip in an environment 在conda environment中有些包既可以用pip install安装,又可以用conda install 安装 对比: conda install 可以分析处理依赖关系 pip install 的包可能更多 通常,如果conda install 可以安装的话,优先使用conda, 否则再使用pip install 尝试(特别时一些冷门的包) ...
In summary, when combining conda and pip, it is best to use an isolated conda environment. Only after conda has been used to install as many packages as possible should pip be used to install any remaining software. If modifications are needed to the environment, it is best to create a ...
理论上来说可以直接用pip install,但有些电脑上会存在:默认的pip不是conda里面的pip 的情况);或者...
Using pip in an environment 在conda environment中有些包既可以用conda install安装,也可以用pip install安装 对比: conda install 可以分析处理依赖关系 pip install 的包可能更多 通常,如果conda install 可以安装的话,优先使用conda, 否则再使用pip install 尝试(特别时一些冷门的包) ...
请教一下,我单独为项目创建了虚拟环境,切换到虚拟环境如:conda avtivate py310;在py310下去pip install模块后,会提示:WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instea...