Cannot uninstall 'XXXX',解决方案:删除C:\Program Files\Anaconda3\Lib\site-packages下的XXXX.egg-info文件或加“--ignore-installed”。 socket.timeout:超时,解决方案:使用pip --default-timeout=1000。 环境错误(WinError 5):使用--user选项。 Import Error:调整TensorFlow和Keras版本。
---> pip install gensim config --global http.sslVerify false 可以把配置关闭 Just install any package with the "config --global http.sslVerify false" statement You can ignore SSL errors by settingpypi.organdfiles.pythonhosted.orgas trusted hosts. 或者安装的时候,信任站点 $ pip install --trusted...
---> pip install gensim config --global http.sslVerify false 可以把配置关闭 Just install any package with the "config --global http.sslVerify false" statement You can ignore SSL errors by settingpypi.organdfiles.pythonhosted.orgas trusted hosts. 或者安装的时候,信任站点 $ pip install --trusted...
默认值为 “only-if-needed”。 -I, --ignore-installed:忽略已安装的包,强制重新安装。这对于解决依赖关系问题或安装与当前安装不兼容的包版本非常有用。 --no-deps:不安装包的依赖项。这可以防止安装过多不必要的包,但可能导致安装的包无法正常工作。 --pre:包括预发布版本。默认情况下,pip 只会考虑稳定版...
pip install -e git+ 4. 从本地项目路径安装: pip install -e /path/to/local/project 5. 从本地存档文件安装: pip install /path/to/archive.tar.gz 总体而言,`pip install` 提供了多种途径来满足安装 Python 包的需求,并可以方便地管理依赖项...
--ignore-requires-python Ignore the Requires-Python information. --no-build-isolation Disable isolation when building a modern source distribution. Build dependencies specified by PEP 518 must be already installed if this option is used. --install-option <options> Extra arguments to be supplied to...
pip install . -i --ignore-installed 再次运行 [root@all-in-one kolla-ansible]# pip install . -i DEPRECATION: Python 2.7 reached the end of its life on January 1st, 2020. Please upgrade your Python as ...
解决方案2:若不存在XXXX.egg-info文件,则在正常命令中加“--ignore-installed”即可。如“pip install --upgrade XXXX”→“pip install --upgrade --ignore-installed XXXX” 【2】socket.timeout: The read operation timed out 解决方案:提示操作超时,应该输入pip --default-timeout=1000 install XXXX ...
pip install --no-deps --ignore-installed --no-cache-dir --disable-pip-version-check --no-compile <package_name> 18:列出所有全局安装的库 获取全局环境下的所有已安装Python库列表: pip list 19:在安装时指定额外选项 某些库可能在安装时需要额外参数,比如numpy、scipy等科学计算库,你可以直接在pip命令...
satisfy the requirementsofthe upgradedpackage(s).--force-reinstall Reinstall all packages evenifthey are already up-to-date.-I,--ignore-installed Ignore the installedpackages(reinstalling instead).--ignore-requires-python Ignore the Requires-Python information.--no-build-isolation Disable isolation when...