可以使用Python的zipfile库来实现解压操作。 importzipfile zip_file='path/to/zip_file.zip'# 替换为你下载的zip文件的路径destination_folder='path/to/destination_folder'# 替换为你想要保存解压后文件的目标文件夹路径withzipfile.ZipFile(zip_file,'r')aszip_ref:zip_ref.extractall(destination_folder) 1....
importzipfile# 打开 ZIP 文件withzipfile.ZipFile('example.zip','r')aszip_ref:# 解压 ZIP 文件中的所有文件到指定路径zip_ref.extractall('unzip') 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 在上述代码中,我们使用zipfile.ZipFile函数打开了名为 “example.zip” 的 ZIP 文件,并指定了打开方式为只读。然后,我们使用zip...
Use pip to install Python packages from PyPI. Depending how pip is installed, you may need to also install wheel to get the benefit of wheel caching. Use virtualenv, or pyvenv to isolate application specific dependencies from a shared Python installation. If you’re looking for management of f...
from setuptoolsimportsetup,find_packagessetup(name='example_package',version='0.1',packages=find_packages(),install_requires=[# 在这里列出我们的依赖库,例如: #'requests',],include_package_data=True,zip_safe=False,author='我们的名字',author_email='我们的邮箱',description='一个示例Python库',long_...
sudo apt update sudo apt install git-lfs 配置Git LFS: git lfs install 跟踪需要使用 LFS 存储的大文件: 例如,如果想跟踪所有 .zip 文件和特定目录下的 .csv 文件: git lfs track "*.zip" git lfs track "image_data/*.csv" 添加.gitattributes 文件到 Git: Git LFS 跟踪的文件类型会被记录在 .gita...
Upgrade pipx withpy -m pip install --user --upgrade pipx. Using pipx without installing (via zipapp) You can also use pipx without installing it. The zipapp can be downloaded fromGithub releasesand you can invoke it with a Python 3.8+ interpreter: ...
Upgrade pipx with py -m pip install --user --upgrade pipx. Using pipx without installing (via zipapp) You can also use pipx without installing it. The zipapp can be downloaded from Github releases and you can invoke it with a Python 3.8+ interpreter: python pipx.pyz ensurepath Use...
Once you’ve activated the virtual environment, then you can install packages into this environment. The packages that you install into one virtual environment are isolated from all other environments on your system.You can follow these steps to create a virtual environment and verify that you’re...
pip3 install xadmin-master.zip 推荐第二种。 5、Liunx下更新pip出现找不到main()问题 描述:Traceback (most recent call last): File “/usr/bin/pip3”, line 9, in from pip import main ImportError: cannot import name main 解决方案: