pip install git+https://github.com/fact-project/shifthelper but pip complained like this in friendly red letters ;-) Collecting smart-fact-crawler (from shifthelper==0.6.0) Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement smart-fact-crawler (from shifthelper==0.6.0) (from versions: ...
https://github.com/pypa/pip/compare/pypa:20.2.4...Mikuana:v20.2-vcs-bugfix?expand=1 @pradyunsgwould it be possible to get a branch created from the20.2.4tag so that I can open a pull request directly against it? Then we can discuss the rest of the details in the PR instead of ...
📐PR的建议 python-office欢迎任何人来添砖加瓦,贡献代码,建议提交的pr(pull request)放在一个单独的文件夹下: 在contributors文件夹中,用自己的GitHub名字建一个文件夹; 把自己的所有代码,都提交到这个自己的文件夹里; 不要改其它任何文件夹里的代码!不要改别人的代码! 对别人的代码有疑问,可以直接提issue。
All release information is now tracked with Githubtags,releasesandmilestones. How to use it You have three options, install it from pypi, install it from GitHub directly, or install it locally. Install from PyPi Runpip install edk2-basetools In all likely hood, the project you're using has...
upstream pr: github.com/tox-dev/p... 背景: pipdeptree这个项目在tox项目下,是除了tox本身最高星的项目,由现就职于bloomberg公司的gaborbernat开发,这个作者也是virtualenv, tox, platformdirs, filelock等一系列python中比较重要的社区的创始人,以及python-build等其他核心社区的maintainer,是python圈内比较知名的大...
mitm是Man In The Middle的首字母缩写,意思是位于中间的人,表明mitmproxy是一个代理,可以拦截请求,...
note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip. error: subprocess-exited-with-error × pip subprocess to install build dependencies did not run successfully. │ exit code: 1
根据pip项目的jqinstallation steps:安装需要构建jq所需的任何程序。这包括:
首先安装bazel。我直接在bazel的Github仓库中下载了bazel-2.2.0-installer-linux-x86_64.sh(可以用wget下载但是没必要,直接先开本地加速下载再用scp更加快嘻嘻)然后直接运行就行,这个没啥好说的,对当前用户安装就行。 然后就是clone tensorflow源码,这个也没啥好说的有手就行,耐心一下就是,毕竟带项目。clone完源...
using the legacy'setup.py install'method, because it does not have a'pyproject.toml'and the'wheel'package is not installed. pip 23.1 will enforce this behaviour change. A possible replacement is toenablethe'--use-pep517'option. Discussion can be found at https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues...