$ pip install pkg>=2.1.2 # 所安装的包必须小于等于 2.1.2 $ pip install pkg<=2.1.2 以下命令用于管理/控制整个 python 环境的包版本 # 导出依赖包列表 pip freeze >requirements.txt # 从依赖包列表中安装 pip install -r requirements.txt # 确保当前环境软件包的版本(并不确保安装) pip install -c ...
使用下面这条命令下载的是 tar.gz 的包,可以直接使用 pip install 安装。 比wheel 包,这种包在安装时会进行编译,所以花费的时间会长一些。 Copy Copy #下载非二进制的包$pip download --no-binary=:all: pkg#安装非二进制的包$pip install pkg --no-binary 3.4 指定代理服务器安装 当你身处在一个内网环境...
I am trying to install statsmodels and all its dependencies using pip install statsmodels[all]. Question: Why is it still telling me that there are missing dependencies? Output: Downloading/unpacking statsmodels[all] Using download cache from /Users/mynusername/.pip/cache/https%3A%2F%2Fpypi.pytho...
一、问题描述 pip/pip3 install 报错 “Could not find a version that satisfies the requriement xxx”,如下图: 二、排查思路 1、检查网络配置 我尝试了yum和wget也出现了错误,由此发现是网络问题。检查网络配置文件,原来是忘记了配置DNS。 2、是否pip版... ...
pip install -U 模块名 说明: 1.这里命令中的-U,其中U是Upgrade升级的意思,字母U必须大写,若小写无法识别。 2.特别地,pip 也是python的一个安装包。我们当然也可以通过上面命令升级pip: pip install -U pip 例如,我要升级setuptools,则: pip install -U setuptools ...
$ pip download--no-binary=:all:pkg # 安装非二进制的包 $ pip install pkg--no-binary 3.4 指定代理服务器安装 当你身处在一个内网环境中时,无法直接连接公网。这时候你使用pip install安装包,就会失败。 面对这种情况,可以有两种方法: 下载离线包拷贝到内网机器中安装 ...
输入pip install openpyxl,出现更新提示(注:openpyxl是一种包) 代码语言:javascript 复制 C:\Users\24144\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\Scripts>pip install openpyxl Collecting openpyxl Using cached https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/1c/5d/e9087edae37ed185e883c9ec727215caba8b4044a8111ff033...
On Unix, pip install --user ... drops scripts into ~/.local/bin. Historically, this directory has not been on the default Debian/Ubuntu $PATH. This is hopefully on its way to being fixed (bash 4.3-15 is on its way into Debian unstable no...
C:\Users>pip --version pip 24.0 from D:\Program Files\Python\Lib\site-packages\pip (python 3.12) 2:安装 Python 库 pip install 库名 这就是pip最基础也是最常见的用法,它会自动处理库及其依赖关系。 3:升级库 世界日新月异,库也要保持最新状态。要升级已安装的所有库: ...
sudo -H pip install foo man sudo tells me that -H causes sudo to set $HOME to the target users (root in this case). So it appears pip is looking into $HOME/Library/Log and sudo by default isn't setting $HOME to /root/. Not surprisingly ~/Library/Log is owned by y...