pip install [options] <requirement specifier> [package-index-options] ... pip install [options] -r <requirements file> [package-index-options] ... pip install [options] [-e] <vcs project url> ... pip install [options] [-e] <local project path> ... pip install [options] <archive ...
--index-url. --no-index Ignore package index (only looking at --find-links URLs instead). -f, --find-links <url> If a url or path to an html file, then parse for links to archives. If a local path or file:// url that's a directory, then look for archives in the directory ...
pip install [options] <requirement specifier> [package-index-options] ... pip install [options] -r <requirements file> [package-index-options] ... pip install [options] [-e] <vcs project url> ... pip install [options] [-e] <local project path> ... pip install [options] <archive ...
pip install --index-url http://my.package.repo/simple/ SomePackage 从包含存档的本地平面目录安装(并且不扫描索引): pip install --no-index --find-links=file:///local/dir/ SomePackage pip install --no-index --find-links=/local/dir/ SomePackage pip install --no-index --find-links=relati...
The part I still fail to understand is why a separate environment variable is needed in the first place, since it is already possible to specify auth in PIP_INDEX_URL and the like. The only use case I can come up with is when repository URLs are set in configuration files, and wants ...
pip安装 从 Python 2 版本 >=2.7.9 或 Python 3 版本 >=3.4 开始,官⽹的安装包中已经⾃带了 pip,在安装时⽤户可以直接选择安装。或者如果使⽤由 virtualenv 或者 pyvenv 创建的 Virtual Environment,那么 pip 也是被默认安装的。如果没有在安装python时候,选择上"安装pip"选项,那么也可以从本地...
Description When an explicit file location is set for the configuration of pip with the PIP_CONFIG_FILE environment variable, the result of pip config get <key> fails Expected behavior The key should be retrieved, using all the resolutio...
Python软件包索引的基本URL(默认为https://pypi.org/simple)。这应指向符合PEP 503(简单存储库API)的存储库或以相同格式布置的本地目录。 --extra-index-url <url> Extra URLs of package indexes to use in addition to --index-url. Should follow the same rules as --index-url. ...
The authenticate task uses the service connection to create an environment variable PIP_INDEX_URL, which contains auth credentials required to download the distributions. HelloTestPackage has to be present in the pypitest service connection; otherwise, install will fail. If you want pypi to be ...