To provide more clarity, let’s consider a few examples. If you aim to install version 3.7.0 of the ‘requests’ package, the command would bepip install requests==3.7.0. Similarly, for installing version 2.2.0 of the ‘Django’ package, you would executepip install Django==2.2.0. Exam...
pip uninstall package_name 而如果打算更新某个包,对应的命令行是 pip install --upgrade package_name # 或者是 pip install -U package_name 查看某个包的信息 可以通过以下的这个命令行来查看指定包的信息, pip show -f requests output Name: requests Version: 2.24.0 Summary: Python HTTPforHumans. Home...
Package Version---anyascii0.3.1appdirs1.4.4...省略... 查看包信息 查看包的详细信息,可以使用show + 包名 代码语言:javascript 复制 pip show packagename 比如查看上边安装好的pandas包详细 代码语言:javascript 复制 >pip show pandasName:pandasVersion:1.5.2Summary:Powerful data structuresfordata analysis,ti...
pip uninstall package_name 例如,要卸载“requests”包,你可以运行: bash 复制代码 pip uninstall requests 四、升级包 包经常会进行更新以修复错误、添加新功能或改进性能。你可以使用Pip来升级一个已经安装的包。升级包的命令是: bash 复制代码 pip install --upgrade package_name ...
The output above shows the version of the packages using an x.y.z placeholder format. When you run the pip list command in your environment, pip displays the specific version number that you’ve installed for each package.To get more information about a specific package, you can look at ...
run Download the latest version of a package to a temporary virtual environment, then run an app from it. Also compatible with local `__pypackages__` directory (experimental). runpip Run pip in an existing pipx-managed Virtual Environment ...
Updating PIP for both Linux and Mac OS is pretty much similar. So, we will begin with the Linux PIP package upgrade. Step 1. You should begin by checking the present version of PIP. So, for that in the command prompt type – $pip –– version. Press enter and you would get accustom...
Dependencies should be resolved without seeking all versions of a package. How to Reproduce pip install -U pip to get to 20.3.2 pip install -U pip again Output Paste the output of the steps above, including the commands themselves and pip's output/traceback etc. First, update pip $ ...
Could not fetch URL was a problem confirming thessl certificate: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='PyPI · The Python Package Index', port=443): Max retriesexceededwith url: /simple/pip/ (Caused by SSLError(SSLError(1, '[SSL: WRONG_VERSION_NUMBER] wrong version...