在online机器,通过pip download tensorflow命令(与pip install的区别就是,前者只下载不安装),将要安装的xxx_package以及所有依赖都下载到本地 然后拷贝到目标offline机器的某个目录(比如/offline_package_dir),并通过如下命令安装: pip install --no-index --find-links=file:/offline_package_dir tensorflow 看起来很...
Add a new line for every package that you want to install this way. Save the additional_pip_packages.txt file. Run the Linux installation script by using the following command: /opt/ibm/cognos/jupyter/dist/scripts/unix/install.sh.Parent...
First download the pip package from https://pypi.org/project/pip/. The first alternative for using the wheel package requires an existing pip and local wheel package. Then execute pip install <wheel-package>. Executing this under a Python environment led to a curious file access error, so I...
pip "Directory not empty" while pip installing or updating a package in python3 问题解决 摘要:解决此问题的方法最直接的方法就是直接强制重新安装包 pip install -r requirements.txt --ignore-installed 参考资料 https://blog.51cto.com/wutengfei/2161960 阅读全文 posted @ 2022-03-16 20:52 荣锋亮...
pip download -d packages -r requirements.txt (将requirements.txt里指定的包名和版本—【可根据需要,编辑requirements.txt,删除不需要打包的包】打包到默认packages文件夹下) 结果如下图: (6)通过shell脚本安装离线包 具体shell脚本命令如下: pip install --no-index --find-links=packages -r requirements.txt ...
安装单个Package $ pip install <package> --download /tmp/offline_packages 安装多个Packages $ pip install --download /tmp/offline_packages -r requirements.txt 2.将下载好的Packages拷贝至内网服务器 使用scp、sftp等方式将下载好的Packages拷贝至需要离线安装这些包的内网服务器 3. 安装Packages 假设内网服...
But I don't think that's a complete & sound solution to the problem of using pip to download packages offline. I don't want to write my own package management tool. Fair enough. But equally, ifsomeonedoesn't contribute a PR to pip to do this, it's definitely not going to happen ...
installing python packages offline For windows users: To download into a file open your cmd and folow this: cd <*the file-path where you want to save it*> pip download <*package name*> the package and the dependencies will be downloaded in the current working directory. To...
pip install --no-index --find-links=file:/offline_package_dir tensorflow 1. 由于两个机器架构完全一样,因此download的package在目标机器一定可以安装。 online和offline机器架构不同 这种情况比较复杂,因为机器架构不同,直接用pip download tensorflow下载的package在目标机器很可能不适用。
1、将Python3.6.5安装包及python36_install.sh放在同一目录 # ll -thr-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 22M Aug 10 05:09 Python-3.6.5.tgz -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1.2K Aug 10 20:58 python36_install.sh -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 71K Aug 28 04:50 redis-3.5.3-py2.py3-none-any....