global.index-url是pip的一个全局配置项,用于指定pip在查找和下载Python包时使用的PyPI镜像源。 打开命令行或终端: 在你的操作系统中打开命令行或终端应用程序。 输入并执行命令pip config unset global.index-url: bash pip config unset global.index-url 执行上述命令后,pip将删除global.index-url配置项。
pip config set global.index-url pip config set install.trusted-host pip国内镜像源: 阿里云: 清华: 中科院: 中科...
try to unset global.extra-index-url see bug Output No response Code of Conduct I agree to follow the PSF Code of Conduct. gvfork added S: needs triage type: bug labels May 16, 2022 Member pradyunsg commented May 17, 2022 Can you share the output of pip config debug? Author gvfor...
If extra-index-url is set in /etc/pip.conf or equivalent, it's not possible (as far as I'm aware) to unset this option in a pip command. You can replace --index-url but not unset --extra-index-url. If you have a third-party source set as an additional index, but want to ...
python -m pip config [<file-option>] list python -m pip config [<file-option>] [--editor <editor-path>] edit python -m pip config [<file-option>] get command.option python -m pip config [<file-option>] set command.option value python -m pip config [<file-option>] unset command...
Being able to add a value to trusted hosts or index-url with: pip config add global.trusted-host pip config remove global.trusted-host Alternative Solutions Currently I just use preexisting configs and keep swapping them out. However, this is...
I've hit possibly the same issue. With the same result, the "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'python'" tl; dr: I need to unset VIRTUAL_ENV In my case it was due to bad interaction with VS code: create a virtualenv: poetry env use python3.10 reload VS code windows. VS cod...
Afterwards, I removed the openssl and unset the environment variable for it, but still no SSL error when I use ./pip3 to install packages. Another time, I remove all the things mentioned above and install openssl again. This time I didn't set its LD_LIBRARY_PATH and only set --with-...
{.git,.svn,CVS} \'\nsortnr=\'sort -n -r\'\nsudo=\'nocorrect sudo\'\nt=\'tail -f\'\nunexport=unset\nvi=vim\nwhich=\'(alias; declare -f) | /usr/bin/which --tty-only --read-alias --read-functions --show-tilde --show-dot\'\nwhich-command=whence\nxzegrep=\'xzegrep --...