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val rational=Rational(3,7)builder.setAspectRatio(rational)//Android12下加入的画中画配置,对于非视频内容停用无缝大小调整if(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT>=Build.VERSION_CODES.S){builder.setSeamlessResizeEnabled(false)builder.setAutoEnterEnabled(true)}enterPictureInPictureMode(}override funonPicture...
Shouldpip buildbuild dependencies as well?pip wheelcurrently does, as a precedent. sdistdoesn't, as a precedent for the alternative behaviour... We need to make sure we don't lose the ability to support the use case of "get wheels for the following requirements (and their dep...
privatefunenterPipModel(){val builder=PictureInPictureParams.Builder()//设置Actionsval actions=arrayListOf<RemoteAction>()//1.返回全屏窗口val pIntent1=getPendingIntent(intent,1)val remoteAction1=RemoteAction(Icon.createWithResource(this,R.mipmap.ic_phone_round),"画中画","Vaccae",pIntent1)
spark=SparkSession.builder \.appName("PySpark Example")\.config("spark.some.config.option","some-value")\.getOrCreate() 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 使用PySpark:一旦创建了SparkSession对象,您就可以开始使用PySpark进行数据处理了。以下是一个简单的示例代码,演示了如何读取CSV文件并将其转换为DataFrame: ...
前言全局说明 Python官方最后支持 Windows 7的版本试 Python-3.8.10 一、背景 Win7 之前一直装的 Python 3.7.2 都能正常使用。因为模块兼容性,在 2023 年初的时候, 想着升级到最后一个支持 Win7 的 Python 版本,结果装好后, 就发现 pip
千帆大模型服务与开发平台ModelBuilder 企业级一站式大模型开发及服务平台模型训练限时免费 2 千帆大模型应用开发平台AppBuilder 企业级大模型应用开发平台平台体验全免费 3 百度智能云曦灵数字人平台 全面开放的数字人克隆与应用平台领7日免费体验 4 百度智能云客悦智能客服平台 大模型重塑营销与客服体验0元试用一个月 ...
多阶段编译, 引入pip wheels安装依赖, 分为buidler 构建基础环境,实际镜像从builder镜像拷贝产物 Browse files Loading branch information 杨彦波 committed Nov 11, 2020 1 parent 0fa7d1a commit 2067cbe Showing 1 changed file with 22 additions and 10 deletions. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split ...
Sheehan Builder Fabricator is a fabulously talented design and fabrication studio that builds custom installations. Whether you require film or theatre scenery, an exhibition set, or something special for a hospitality event, SBF can start with a napkin sketch and finish with the build of your drea...