日本Pioneer最新发布了S-1EX扬声器。与原有的TAD-M1扬声器相比,在外形上略有几分相似:两者的箱体都设计为向后倾斜,有利于重放的高中低频声音可同时到达听音点,而S-1EX的箱体为向后方倾斜8度。在技术上,S-1EX继承了TAD-M1扬声器大部分的专有技术,如CST(Coherent Source Transducer)同轴中高音单元技术。该CST...
日本Pioneer最新发布了S-1EX扬声器.与原有的TAD-M1扬声器相比,在外形上略有几分相似:两者的箱体都设计为向后倾斜,有利于重放的高中低频声音可同时到达听音点,而S-1EX的箱体为向后方倾斜8度.在技术上,S-1EX继承了TAD-M1扬声器大部分的专有技术,如CST(Coherent Source Transducer)同轴中高音单元技术.该CST同轴...
My first impression of the S-1EX was of clean, balanced sound, with the exception of some lumpiness in the bass that demanded that I experiment with the speakers' positions. Andrew Jones assisted with this, and before he left, the S-1Exs were positioned to his liking. However, I now ...
日本Pioneer最新发布了S-1EX扬声器。与原有的TAD-M1扬声器相比,在外形上略有几分相似:两者的箱体都设计为向后倾斜,有利于重放的高中低频声音可同时到达听音点,而S-1EX的箱体为向后方倾斜8度。在技术上,S-1EX继承了TAD-M1扬声器大部分的专有技术,如CST(Coherent Source Transducer)同轴中高音单元技术。该CST同...
Fig.1 Pioneer S-1EX, electrical impedance (solid) and phase (dashed). (2 ohms/vertical div.) The traces in fig.1 are free from the small wrinkles that would imply the presence of enclosure resonances, and despite its size, the S-1EX's cabinet is surprisingly inert. The only vibrationa...
853号房所使用的Pioneer S-1EX落地喇叭,比隔壁852号房的等级更高,是Excellence系列中最高阶的款式,参考售价550,000元。 左:Pioneer S-1EX落地喇叭,参考售价550,000元。右:玩数位流也可以很简单,先锋利用Macbook Air透过USB传送数位音乐讯号至Pioneer SC-LX86 AV环绕扩大机(99,000元),省去CD唱盘,也省去外接...
[about 16 minutes at the average silent speed]). Despite the film’s success, Porter continued to practice overlapping action in such conventional narratives asUncle Tom’s Cabin(1903) and thesocial justicedramasThe Ex-Convict(1904) andThe Kleptomaniac(1905). He experimented with model animation ...
” was the divine inquiry when Cain was found in criminal loneliness (Gen. 4:9). Rather than Israel should be lost Moses would be blotted out of God’s book (Ex. 32:32). Christ came to seek and to save the lost (Lk. 19:10). And Paul—that marvellous compound of Moses and ...
1. Nodes are sustained but structural noise increases dramatically. c Image cross-correlation score along the AP axis for (b) (n = 8 embryos). 3D nodes fall 33 μm apart and the internodal correlation flattens. The grey lines show individual profiles, black averaged values and red ...