Pioneer Junior High School is a highly rated, public school located in UPLAND, CA. It has 716 students in grades 7-8 with a student-teacher ratio of 22 to 1. According to state test scores, 46% of students are at least proficient in math and 60% in reading. Compare Pioneer Junior Hi...
junior high 245 w. 18th st., upland, ca 91784 | (909) 949-7770 | website | award winning # 379 in california middle schools overall score 84.27/100 quick stats type public grades 7-8 total enrollment 716 overview students/teachers test scores school data district map overview students/...
Dublin Heritage Park & Museums, 6600 Donlon Way, Dublin, CA 94568 Event is recommended for ages 8 and up. Cemetery tours departing at 10 pm are reserved for 14+. Take a flashlight tour through Dublin’s historic Pioneer Cemetery, where Dublin’s buried past comes alive. Hear haunting storie...