(J18.8)上GPIO与J18的连接,并在FRAM上拉时加载R10(10K)。 P11.1RGB蓝色LED– 非Arduino接头填充R8以连接到J18,移除R5和R7以断开与闪存 P11.2QSPIFLASHCS (J18.7)上GPIO和上拉的连接。 QSPIFLASH/ P11.3– FRAMDATA3 QSPIFLASH/ P11.4– FRAMDATA2 QSPIFLASH/ P11.5– FRAMDATA1 QSPIFLASH/ P11.6– FRA...
6215049 Hybrid maize plant and seed 36R10 2001-04-10 Piper 6166303 Inbred maize line PH1CP 2000-12-26 Finney et al. 6075186 Hybrid maize plant and seed 38P05 2000-06-13 Piper 5990393 Inbred maize line PH1CN 1999-11-23 Chapman 5859320 Hybrid maize plant and seed (37M81) 1999-01-12...
The hybrid for which PH 907 is a parent yields similarly to 36R10 but is significantly drier which will allow farmers to improve profitability by reducing drying costs. The results in Table 5C compare a specific hybrid for which inbred PH907 is a parent and a second hybrid, 37H24. The ...