1)Application Essay: “Challenges make you discover things about yourself that you never really knew. They’re what make the instrument stretch – what make you go beyond the norm.”– Cicely Tyson The Pioneer Research Program is one of the most rig...
Statement of interest 的Why essay字数限制为 100-150 words Application essay的字数限制为 300-400 words No.2 提交成绩单后审核才会开始! 大家成功提交成绩单后,Pioneer才会开始进行申请信息的审核,并尽早通知大家是否进入面试阶段。 提交的成绩单需要清晰,并能显示你目前为止的所有高中成绩。 成绩单的提供有以下几...
Identifying sellers’ manipulation at play, I longed for changes. I wrote about my curiosity in my Pioneer application essay. An offer of the opportunity to research closely with a business professor on changing consumer behaviors through persuasion came in handy. What is the problem my paper is ...
3. Application Essay 根据文书题目创作文书 字符限制:(300 words minimum, 400 words maximum)请注意不要使用AI 4. Activities & Availability (1)Activities 活动部分请填写最多三个你认为对申请有帮助的活动,75 words maximum for each.(2)Availability 请按照官方给出的例子填写自己不适合上课的时间以及是否...
1)Application Essay: “Challenges make you discover things about yourself that you never really knew. They’re what make the instrument stretch – what make you go beyond the norm.”– Cicely Tyson The Pioneer Research Program is one of the most rigorous and challenging academic endeavors a stu...
(2)First choice 必须占最高比重(可并列) 3. Application Essay 根据文书题目创作文书 字符限制:(300 words minimum, 400 words maximum) 请注意不要使用AI 4. Activities & Availability (1)Activities 活动部分请填写最多三个你认为对申请有帮助的活动,75 words maximum for each. (2)Availability 请按照官方...
3. Application Essay 根据文书题目创作文书 字符限制:(300 words minimum, 400 words maximum) 请注意不要使用AI 4. Activities & Availability (1)Activities 活动部分请填写最多三个你认为对申请有帮助的活动,75 words maximum for each. (2)Availability ...
3. Application Essay 根据文书题目创作文书 字符限制:(300 words minimum, 400 words maximum) 请注意不要使用AI 4. Activities & Availability (1)Activities 活动部分请填写最多三个你认为对申请有帮助的活动,75 words maximum for each. (2)Availability ...
申请pioneer要填写的信息也是最接近美国大学申请的一个,除了如同CA系统一样大量个人信息需要在网页填写之外,还有4篇application essay,和申请大学文书题目也比较相似,完全可以当成申请季的预备役来准备。 在网申填写完毕之后还有面试环节,会要求现场写一篇计时写作,题目会比较生活化一些。Pioneer属于highly selective的学术项...
申请文书(Application essay) "Obstacles do not bend me. Every obstacle is destroyed through rigor." - Leonardo da Vinci The Pioneer Research Program is one of the most rigorous and challenging academic endeavors a student can...