Pioneer candidates undergo a rigorous evaluation process. The admission cycle is typically 6-8 weeks long. We appreciate your patience. All applications to the Pioneer Research Program will be reviewed holistically and within context. We consider: ...
👉2025 Pioneer申请入口: 目前还未公布具体的项目申请截止日期,目前信息为: Spring through Summer:已开放申请,最终截止日期会在10月的第三周公布Summer Only:已开放申请,最终截止日期...
报名官网 罗斯数学营(Ross) Ross Mathematics Program Ross Mathematics Program由阿诺德·罗斯博士于1957年在圣母大学创立,旨在鼓励学生积极探索数学。从1964年到2018年主要与俄亥俄州立大学(...
While we were awed by the caliber of candidates, and humbled by the amount of interest, we were also saddened by the number of impressive applicants to whom we could not extend offers of admission – almost 75%. We are therefore working with our internal teams to offer our original ...
Discover your potential through Pioneer Academics. The world’s first and only college accredited online research program for high school students. Apply now!
1、Conditional admission预录取 在收到录取通知后,学生要决定是否接受录取,当然也需要父母的确认与同意,如果接受录取,则进入最后的审核以及最终的付款。 2、Waitlist等待名单 有部分申请人会收到先锋项目“你已进入候选名单当中”的通知,若收到此通知,申请人则需要向招办部门文字回复确认是否接受等待名单。若接受,申请...
Recognizing there was no single forum for students and parents to access expert insights, distinguished academic programs, or colleges, Pioneer leverages its reputation to invite leading experts, respected programs, and college admission representatives to the Annual Pioneer Academics Co-Curricular Summit,...
课程结束之后,Pioneer会有AO(Admission Officer) dialogue的机会,就是和AO做一个presentation,然后你可以提问。我参加了CMU, JHU, Caltech的AO dialogue,感觉不错,无功无过。 Pioneer出结果的邮件是在一个我躺在床上刷手机的夜晚猝不及防地出现在邮箱弹窗里。更要命的是,这个邮件不通知我结果,通知我明早七点半... Pioneer是为世界各地有才华、有天赋的高中生提供包括STEM,社会科学、人文科学等在内的30个学科领域研究的线上科研项目。由于这个项目不限国籍且涵盖学科广泛,有“高中生研究院”的美誉。 在项目中,被选中的学生将会与顶尖名校的教授/老师一起,对感兴趣的主题进行深入的学习和...
testing policies. Most private universities chose to be "test-optional," welcoming students to submit an SAT or ACT score if they could sit and achieve a good score for the exam. Yet, UC went "test-blind," which meant the admission officers would not consider students' test scores if ...