® NuSun is a registered certification mark of the National Sunflower Association. DuPontTM and ExpressSun® are trademarks or registered trademarks of DuPont or its affiliates. RR = Contains the Roundup Ready® gene. RR2 = Contains the Roundup Ready® Corn 2 gene. ® Roundup Ready is...
Convert Markdown to AsciiDoc for Issue #656 Converted Markdown files to AsciiDoc format to address issue #656. This PR, #749, transforms the documentation for improved readability and maintainability. Changes made: Converted README.md to AsciiDoc. Ensured formatting, code snippets, and links rem...
The result is that the ANZ Bank's original computer would only have been able to store a tiny full-colour logo of just 71×71 pixels – barely the size that we see today on a smart-phone app icon or website bookmark:Tiny 71×71 full-colour ANZ logo, circa 2020s.In fact, a ...