$HOME.platformio/penv/bin/pio pkg install --global --tool "platformio/tool-mklittlefs" echo "\n开始确认ESP32开发依赖库安装状态~" rm -rf /tmp/pio mkdir -p /tmp/pio/ cd /tmp/pio touch platformio.ini mkdir src wget http://github.fishros.org/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fishros...
npm install -g @piotar/pkg-sync Usage In some cases, we can not use symbolic links for dependencies. The solution is to copy build files to our project and test it locally. Example We have a main project (App) and 2 dependencies (UiandStore) with difference locations (this is not mon...
- name: Install dependencies run: | python -m pip install --upgrade pip pip install -U https://github.com/platformio/platformio/archive/develop.zip pio pkg install --global --platform symlink://. - name: Build examples run: | platformio run -d ${{ matrix.example }} pio run -d ${...
环境搭建建议使用虚拟机上的Ubuntu20.04 LTS,安装工具包 $ sudo apt-get install aptitude $ sudo aptitude install -y binutils binutils-dev git git-lfs gnupg flex bison gperfbuild-essential zip curl zlib1g-dev gcc-multilib g++-multilib gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev lib32z1-...
Usage: pkg-sync add [options] [path] Add package to sync Arguments: path Path to package (path not set will be set to closest package.json) Options: -n, --name <package> Package name (override name from package.json) -f, --force Override package -d, --dir [dirs...] Directory ...
_install.py", line 99, in _install pkg = self.install_from_registry(spec, search_filters, silent=silent) File "/home/pi/.platformio/penv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/platformio/package/manager/_registry.py", line 83, in install_from_registry package = self.fetch_registry_package(spec) ...
pio pkg install -g -p https://github.com/Community-PIO-CH32V/platform-ch32v.git Updating the CH32V Platform Inevitibly, the platform version you installed at one point will become outdated. There are two ways to update: The PIO Home -> Platforms screen lists all installed platforms. Th...
Install platform-ch32v viaPIO Core CLI-->pio pkg install -g -p https://github.com/Community-PIO-CH32V/platform-ch32v.git Create PlatformIO project and configure a platform option inplatformio.inifile: For Linux, add PlatformIO perdocumentation. Then, add WCH udev rules by appending the fo...
Hi, Thanks for the report! We rewrote PlatformIO Core installer from the scratch. Please download and install the latest PlatformIO IDE for VSCode 2.0 Beta as described in Try Beta section on that page. Please respond to this thread if i...
pkgui.h progressbar.go radiobuttons.go separator.go slider.go spinbox.go stddialogs.go tab.go table.go tablemodel.go ui.h util.go window.go README License ui: platform-native GUI library for Go This is a library that aims to provide simple GUI software development in Go. It is based...