美[ˈpɪntoʊ ˌbin] 英[ˈpɪntəʊ ˌbiːn] n.斑豆;花腰豆 网络花豆;菜豆;生机花豆 复数:pinto beans 权威英汉双解 英英 网络释义 PINTO-bean n. 1. 斑豆;花腰豆a type of curved bean with coloured marks on the skin...
pinto beanPINTO BEANS是豆科、菜豆属种质,拉丁学名为Phaseolus vulgaris L.,也被称作斑豆,其粒色为花斑,粒形椭圆。 Pinto Bean的全方位解析 Pinto Bean的基本定义与特征 Pinto Bean,中文常译作斑豆,是豆科、菜豆属的一种种质,其拉丁学名为Phaseolus vulgaris L.。这种豆类以其独特的花斑...
将“pinto beans"翻译成中文 斑豆, 刀豆, 小白粒菜豆是“pinto beans"到 中文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:One of Costa Rica’s favorite dishes is gallo pinto (literally meaning “spotted rooster”) —rice and beans cooked separately and then together with seasonings. ↔ 哥斯达黎加人很喜欢一道叫...
a spotted kidney bean used for foodalso: a plant producing pinto beans that is often used to feed livestock pinto bean 例句 1.Canned pinto beans: Fast and easy, these beans are filling and add a nice smoky flavor. 2.If there’s time for soup to simmer, try Ham El-Waylly’s vegeta...
Pinto bean是菜豆(Phaseolus vulgaris )的一些种子有斑点的品种的通称,我觉得“斑豆”是比较合适的...
Find out the health benefits and get some recipe ideas for pinto beans, including pinto bean dip and homemade beans on toast. What are pinto beans? Pinto beans are native to Mexico and Central America and are a staple ingredient in Latin American cuisine. The pink-hued b...
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