1、Pin:把你喜欢的图片Pin到一块白板(Board)上,类似于做简报; 2、Repin:看到你的好友Pin了一张好图片,你可以把它Repin到自己的白板。类似于Twitter中的Retweet; 3、Share:图片可以来源于Facebook等社交网络或B2C购物网站,也可以被分享到各个平台; 4、Board:相当于一本独立的相册,按照不同的主题和兴趣来划分。
Pinterest拥有相当庞大的human-curated data,每个Pin和Board的创建都是基于用户的兴趣和喜爱,这一点既保证了Pinterest内容的高质量,也使得Pinterest在基于用户兴趣的搜索和推荐上更加准确。同时,每个Pin背后的链接也使得Pin所传递的信息并不仅仅只是图片本身。用户Pin的点击行为不仅给第三方网站带来大量流量,也让用户在第三...
Secret board 尽量不要选,毕竟我们的目的是卖货,把产品链接或者网站曝光创建group boards 的人可以邀请其他的Pinners 进去,非成员也可以向创建者提出加入申请,然后等待邀请。 在加入某一Group board,就成为了这个Group boards 的 contributors,就有了在里面发Pin的资格,所有这个board的followers(包括创建者和每个 contrib...
Operation ID: CreatePin_V2 Create pin Parameters Tabelle erweitern NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Board board_id True string Board Description description True string The user-entered description of the pin Image Url image_url True string The link to the image that you want to pin (...
Create pin (V2) (Preview)Operation ID: CreatePin_V2 Create pin Parameters 展開表格 NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Board board_id True string Board Description description True string The user-entered description of the pin Image Url image_url True string The link to the image that you...
Create and organize boards with images of things you like. To save an image, simplypin it to your board, and that’s it. Write captions to explain the idea behind each board. Save recipes around the web that look tasty,DIY design ideasfor your next project, and more. There are some ...
The Shopify integration also enables you to access Pinterest Analytics data on the Shopify app. Enhanced Rich Pins There are three different types of Rich Pins, all loaded with more information than your average Pin for serious sales power. They work by taking metadata on your site and display...
Pin4Ever Bulk Uploading To Pinterest Pin4Ever Power Follow Following Back Pinners Pin4Ever Pinterest Pin Designer: 'Create A Pin' Pin4Ever Pin Anything Pinning A Screenshot Pin4Ever Features Backup Your Pins Backup all of your boards, or each board individually, including Likes, Followers, and...
You may have installed the “Pin It” button to the bookmark bar on your Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, or any other web browser. It is a way for you to upload the content which you may collect outside of Pinterest to a board. When you are browsing websites on the Internet, ...
Think of pins as the sparkling jewels adorning your Pinterest boards. They come in all shapes and sizes, from captivating images and informative articles to mouthwatering recipes and even captivating videos.Each pin acts as a portal, whisking you away to a world of possibilities. A single image...