其他增加搜索的类别是vibrant outfits、fuchsia dress outfit(紫红色套装)和rainbow dress women(彩虹女装)。 三、Hellenistic Revival(希腊风格复兴) “ancient Greek jewelry古希腊珠宝”的搜索量在2021年增长了120%,Pinterest认为这一趋势将在2022年继续增长。 一些时尚达人正在寻找“古希腊Ancient Greece”时尚灵感,Pinte...
Stylish weddings are such a fun time because you get to dress up in all kinds of cute outfits and stylish nails. These nails are perfect for stylish weddings because they create a unique look that is perfect for weddings. Use shades of oranges and reds on your hands or even softer color...
A personal account on Pinterest is just for casual use. You have access to create Pins, Boards, and Secret Boards, but with a business account, you will have access to analytics, scheduling, and other resources. You will also have different terms and policies to comply with. Pinterest for ...
Easy to make and kid-approved, this recipe is sweet, soft and fluffy and will make your whole house smell like gingerbread as they bake away in the oven. Banana Gingerbread Muffins Ever since Chase was a toddler (7 years ago… ooph!), muffins became a staple in our home. While I...
2021年,“vibrant outfits充满活力的服装”搜索量增加了16倍,Pinterest认为这一趋势将在2022年继续增长。 Pinterest用户主要寻找充满活力的时尚色彩,该社交平台将这种现象称为“Dopamine Dressing多巴胺穿衣”。据报道,所有性别和年龄段的人都在推动这种丰富多彩、使人愉悦的服装趋势。 关于这一时尚趋势的两个突破性搜索词...