The ESP32-CAM AI-Thinker is a very popular ESP32 CAM development board with an ESP32-S chip & regular 2MP OV2640 camera. This type of ESP32 cam board includes PSRAM – 4MB, is used for image buffering into video streaming from the camera or different tasks & permits you to utilize h...
The ESP32-CAM is a small-size, low-power camera module based onESP32. It comes with anOV2640 cameraand provides an onboard TF card slot. This board has4MB PSRAMwhich is used for buffering images from the camera into video streaming or other tasks and allows you to use higher quality ...
These are used to put the ESP32 into bootloader or flashing mode. On most development boards with built-in USB/Serial, you don’t need to worry about the state of these pins. The board puts the pins in the right state for flashing or boot mode. More information on theESP32 Boot Mode...
It is the same camera of theESP32-CAM AI-Thinkerboard and other similarESP32 camera development boards. When you get the board, you can choose between the regular camera and the fish-eye camera. We got the one with fish-eye camera. SSD1306 0.96inch OLED Display This board comes equipped...