灰皮诺白葡萄酒(Pinot Grigio) 酒色呈浅稻黄色。芳香馥郁,具有典型的灰皮诺葡萄的果香。口感干冽,有如天鹅绒般柔滑。酒质柔顺和谐。 位于沃云纳省的坎帕尼奥拉庄园是意大利最好的葡萄酒生产商和首屈一指的出口商。产品质优,价廉,以获奖品牌阿马罗内为代表。
灰皮诺白葡萄酒(Pinot Grigio) 亮丽的稻黄色酒体闪烁着亮绿的光泽。香气芬芳馥郁,果酸爽利,水果口味颇为精致,令其回味略干,且十分平衡。 龙阁罗醍作为安布里亚有代表性的葡萄酒商,以其品质绝佳的多瑞诺及特酿瑞芭思而名扬四方 One of Umbria's leading producers, Lungarotti is well known for their excellent ...
Is Pinot Blanc dry or sweet? Is Pinot Blanc the same as Pinot Noir? Is Pinot Blanc the same as Pinot Grigio? What pairs with Pinot Blanc? Is Pinot Blanc the same as Sauvignon Blanc? Most Popular Best Best Value Most Expensive Cheapest ...
Fruity & Dry Fruity & Sweet By the way, the names “Pinot Gris” and “Pinot Grigio” are technically interchangeable. Pinot Gris means “gray Pinot” in French and Pinot Grigio is the Italian name. Minerally & Dry Pinot Grigio The leanest styles look to the Alps for inspiration. This ...
也被称为 PinotGrigio。这只有活力的葡萄品种是贝露萄家族中的一员,颜色是粉红中带灰的灰贝露,需要深层土壤来种植。14世纪,灰贝露从法国来到匈牙利的巴拉顿湖区域。在法国的阿尔萨斯、奥地利、德国,灰贝露被用来生产气酒(Spatlese)和Auslese红酒,这两种酒都是最高品质的出品,富含灰贝露精华,带有可人的辛辣味及少许...
Pinot Gris / Grigio is a dusky grape variety that is used in the production of rich, perfumed white wines. Although it is grown around the world, the variety is best known for the light Italian wines it makes under the moniker Pinot Grigio
Organic Pinot Grigio This white grape varietal is grown throughout Italy, and is known by Pinot Gris in other parts of the world. Pinot Grigio is dry,
关于“加利酒庄阿提基诺灰皮诺白葡萄酒(Galli Estate Artigiano Pinot Grigio, Sunbury, Australia) ”的酒款综述 这是一款来自澳大利亚山伯利产区的白葡萄酒,该酒散发着柠檬、麝香和甜瓜的香气,口感柔顺。 本酒款酒庄资料ABOUT WINERY 加利酒庄(Galli Estate)加利酒庄(Galli Estate)位于澳大利亚著名的维多利亚州(Victoria...
关于“查尔斯R灰皮诺干白葡萄酒(Charles R Vineyards Pinot Grigio, Livermore Valley, USA) ”的酒款综述 此款酒来自美国查尔斯R酒庄,选用灰皮诺酿制,带有柑橘、梨、甜瓜的味道,口感清爽。 本酒款酒庄资料ABOUT WINERY 查尔斯R酒庄(Charles R Vineyards)查尔斯R酒庄(Charles R Vineyards)位于美国加利福尼亚州(Califor...
现时灰皮诺(PinotGris)被更多人认识为PinotGrigio,其主要生长在意大利北部的葡萄产区,该区域普遍生产轻至中度的葡萄酒.雷司令葡萄是上好的白葡萄。没有任何一种白葡萄能像威士莲那样具有如此的多样性。 等级介绍 LEVEL INTRODUCTION 意大利在1963年把葡萄酒按质量分成四个等级,受国家和欧盟监控。意大利葡萄酒从低到高...