#define BUTTON_PIN 4 void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(BUTTON_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); } void loop() { Serial.println(digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN)); delay(10); } If you run this code and open the Serial Plotter, you’ll see that the default value is 1 (HIGH). When you press ...
pinMode(2, INPUT); // 设置引脚2为输入模式 int buttonState = digitalRead(2); //读取引脚2的输入状态 INPUT_PULLUP模式,除了将引脚设置为输入模式之外,它还会使用内部上拉电阻将引脚拉高到高电平状态。这种方法对于连接到开关的按钮等输入设备非常有用,这样可以从引脚读取确切的高低状态,而不必担心没有正确接...
import processing.io.*; // On the Raspberry Pi GPIO 4 is physical pin 7 on the header void setup() { // INPUT_PULLUP enables the built-in pull-up resistor for this pin // left alone, the pin will read as HIGH // connected to ground (via e.g. a button or switch) it will ...
{pinMode(PIN_D6,OUTPUT);// LEDpinMode(PIN_D7,INPUT_PULLUP);// Pushbutton}voidloop() {if(digitalRead(PIN_D7)) {// D7 pin is high due to pullup resistordigitalWrite(PIN_D6,LOW);// LED ondelay(400);// Slow blinkdigitalWrite(PIN_D6,HIGH);// LED offdelay(400); }else{// D...
postButtonClickEvent(_btnNum) wiringpi.pinMode(bcmPin, wiringpi.GPIO.INPUT) wiringpi.pullUpDnControl(bcmPin, wiringpi.GPIO.PUD_UP) wiringpi.wiringPiISR(bcmPin, wiringpi.GPIO.INT_EDGE_BOTH, reportClick)# Servoswiringpi.pinMode(BCM_SERVO_ACTIVATION, wiringpi.GPIO.OUTPUT) ...
Gpio.pinMode(gpio, Gpio.INPUT); Gpio.pullUpDnControl(gpio, Gpio.PUD_UP);intdelay =20; System.out.println("Waiting "+ delay +"s for events..., thread name="+ Thread.currentThread().getName());if(Gpio.wiringPiISR(gpio, Gpio.INT_EDGE_BOTH,this) !=1) { ...