Browse all books in the bestselling Pinkalicious children's book series for kids, including Peterrific, Aqualicious, Purplicious, and many more!
Pinkalicious is the first picture book starring Pinkalicious and her family. She stars in five more picture book—Purplicious, Goldilicious, Silverlicious, Emeraldalicious, and Aqualicious—as well as I Can Reads, doodle books, and more! 内页展示 It was a rainy day, too wet to go outside...
《Pinkalicious: Pinkie Promise (I Can Read, Level 1)[粉红情缘:小粉的承诺]》作者:HarperCollins US,出版社:2011年6月 第1版,ISBN:34.10。WhenPinkalicioususesallofAlison'spinkpaintinclass,
《Pinkalicious: Puptastic! (I Can Read, Level 1)》作者:HarperCollins US,出版社:2013年3月 第1版,ISBN:34.10。InVictoriaKann’sninthPinkaliciousICanReadbook,Pink
英文原版绘本 Pinkalicious Phonics Box Set 粉红控 I can read 系列 自然拼读12本套 英文版书籍 进口原版英文启蒙读物学习书 小粉红系列 12个故事 学习自然拼读 分享配送 至 选择地区查看预计配送信息 快递:0元起 服务支持退换 · 7天无理由退货 · 收货后结算 该商品所属店铺评价 查看全部 质量很好(158) ...
1 New York Times bestselling author Victoria Kann is back with a new I Can Read story featuring Pinkalicious! Pinkalicious is crowning Goldie as Princess Goldilicious and throws a royal tea party to celebrate. Of course, that means tea, sandwiches, and lots and lots of pinkerrific decorations...
Children's Books(儿童图书) > 其他品牌 > 粉红情缘:小粉的承诺 Pinkalicious: Pinkie Promise (I Can Read_ Level 1) 进口原版 英文 进口原版图书馆京东自营官方旗舰店 关注店铺 手机下单 进店逛逛|关注店铺 关注 企业购更优惠 粉红情缘:小粉的承诺 Pinkalicious: Pinkie Promise (I Can Read_ Level 1) 进口...
系列(Series)Pinkalicious;I Can Read! (HarperCollins): Level 1; Pinkalicious is having a princess sleepover party, but not everyone is ready to spend the night away from home. Luckily, Pinkalicious finds a fun solution to brighten everyone's spirits. ...
Victoria is currently working on several more books about the adventures and antics of Pinkalicious. You can enjoy the further adventures of Pinkalicious in her early reader and I Can Read book series. Pinkerellas and Pinkerbelles will be entertained by the Pinkalicious doodle, activity, and ...
我们相信初学读者和父母都会喜爱这本温馨的Pinkalicious的《I Can Read》系列。Pinkalicious是一位超级“控”粉红色的女孩,她穿粉红色的衣服,粉红色的鞋子(甚至因为某天收到一双白色的滑冰鞋而闹过一场大乌龙),她的房间也都被装饰成粉...