【中韩字幕】BLACKPINK - Pink Venom MV冷面0805 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 122.9万 827 03:01 百万播放 App 【中字】BLACKPINK《Shut Down》MV 238.7万 3321 03:14 百万播放 App BLACKPINK - 'Kill This Love' M/V 10.5万 23 03:55 App BLACKPINK –‘Forever Young’ M_V ...
I bring the pain like This that pink venom This that pink venom This that pink venom Get 'em get 'em get 'em Straight to ya dome like whoa whoa whoa Straight to ya dome like ah ah ah Taste that pink venom Taste that pink venom Taste that pink venom Get 'em get 'em get 'em St...
BLACKPINK 預計即將在今年 9 月 16 日發行她們萬眾矚目的第二張專輯 Born Pink ,在專輯發行之前,這首 Pink Venom 作為先行單曲於 8 月 18 日釋出。 歌詞中文翻譯 BLACKPINK, BLACKPINK BLACKPINK, BLACKPINK Kick in the door, waving the coco 踢開門,揮舞著香奈兒 팝콘 이나 챙겨 껴들 생...
BLACKPINK《Pink Venom》歌词(专辑:Pink Venom) 下载积分: 500 内容提示: Pink Venom Kick in the door waving the coco 踹门而入 挥动着香奈儿外套 팝콘이나 챙겨 껴들 생각 말고 拿着你的爆米花看戏吧 别多管闲事 I talk that talk runways I walk walk 我有话直说 走起路来就...
blackpink pink venom歌词如下: Jennie Kick in the door waving the coco 踢门,挥舞可可 팝콘이나챙겨껴들생각말고 别想带爆米花 I talk that talk runways I walk walk 我在跑道上说话,我走路,走路 ...
【竖版直拍】BLACKPINK ROSÉ - Pink Venom 220828 @ 人气-歌谣 4K http://t.cn/A6SSXbhD
19 MOUNTED VENOM-REWARRP by:情迷电音 208 VENOM-Ice Kalifa by:嘻哈有态度 114 Pink by:华语音乐 360 Pink Drugs-Pink Dollaz by:嘻哈有态度 92 Pink Drugs-Pink Dollaz by:嘻哈有态度 7274 Black&Pink by:华语音乐 1.9万 BLACK PINK by:wonyuuu 4.3万 Pink Elephant by:华语音乐 95 Sweet Pink by:华语...
Pink Venom - BLACKPINK 词:TEDDY/Danny Chung 曲:TEDDY/24/R.Tee/IDO 编曲:24/R.Tee/IDO Kick in the door Waving the coco 팝콘이나 챙겨 껴들 생각 말고 I talk that talk Runways I walk walk 눈 감고 pop pop 안 봐도 척 ...
今天终于发布先行曲《PINK VENOM》!预告照中虽然给的是黑色厚刘海🥲但我们门面的脸扛住了死亡造型ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 期待Kimjisoo在这次回归大杀四方!!!爱豆秀今后也一直在舞台上闪闪发光吧!!!🐍💖 11342回复 查看73条回复 安崎🌶🍿:🗼☞双顶奢☜拥有者金智秀🗼『珠宝顶奢』𝑪𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒆...