它的发明者是一位在TikTok上有着十几万粉丝的网红厨师Carly pii(TikTok账号@chef.pii)。今年6月,她首次在自己的TikTok上发布了一段品尝Pink Sauce的视频,视频中她将炸鸡蘸取自己调制的“Pink Sauce”,然后满足的大口吃掉,隔着屏幕都能感觉到她非常享受... 1.文章脉络 【para1】 ➡️一款粉红酱汁火爆美国TikT...
In late June, Chef Pii even releaseda TikTok addressing that concern, chalking up different colors to the respective lighting in each of her videos. A day later, sherevealed the ingredientswithin the sauce, posting a graphic outlining each of them: dragon fruit, sunflower seed oil, honey, ch...
Chef.Pii说她正在努力将Pink Sauce带到商店。
Apparently, some bottles of Pink Sauce were shipped in bags instead of boxes, and they arrived damaged. Also people noticed that the ingredients included milk, but the bottles weren’t shipped with any sort of refrigeration or indication that they should be refrigerated. “You ...
In pochi mesi la Pink Sauce è diventata virale, ma c'è chi ha sollevato non pochi dubbi sulla sicurezza del prodotto. View full post on Tiktok La creatrice della salsa, come ricostruisce The Cut,è una donna conosciuta sul social come @chef.pii che pare gestisca anche un'attività...
It features grapefruit,unsalted butter,confectioners’ powdered sugar,all-purpose flour,pink food coloring, and other simple pantry ingredients. Get the Recipe:Pink Grapefruit Dessert Bars Beet Cucumber Salad BEET CUCUMBER SALAD. PHOTO CREDIT: UNIQUE COOKS. ...
Crafting Ingredients Melon (1) Sell Prices 480g Pink Cake is a cooked dish that can be made in the kitchen of your home. Recipe can be learned by watching The Queen of Sauce cooking show on TV on the 7th day of Summer in the second year. If your character is male, when you earn...
客户评论已经开始涌现,TikTok用户记录了他们的Pink Sauce开箱视频,检查包装,并做了一些嗅觉和味觉测试。 首先,酱汁的颜色和质地没有太大的一致性。在Chef.Pii发布的早期视频中,酱汁是芭比粉色,质地光滑,类似于牧场色拉酱。但一些顾客的酱汁反而是淡粉色,而且--也许更令人担忧--是块状的,就像它在包装后凝结了一样。
这款横空出世,一夜火遍全网的酱料有个简单粗暴的名字“Pink Sauce”。它的发明者是一位在TikTok上有着十几万粉丝的网红厨师Carly pii(TikTok账号@chef.pii)。今年6月,她首次在自己的TikTok上发布了一段品尝Pink Sauce的视频,视频中她将炸鸡蘸取自己调制的“Pink Sauce”,然后满足的大口吃掉,隔着屏幕都能感觉到她...