The Pink Panther had already graduated from being the opening credits mascot of Edwards’ series to its own series of cartoon shorts. When the tradition of screening original cartoons before the latest movie releases ended (for the most part) in the late 60s/ early 70s, many of those animated...
In keeping with The Pink Panther’’s long history, the project is said to mix the original franchise — a comedy-mystery based on Clouseau’s misadventures as a detective — and the cartoon feline that quickly became the subject of its own series. As a live action-cgi hybrid, the movie...
'We Give Pink Stamps' is a great Pink Panther cartoons. It is not one of my favourites of the series and is not as good as something like 'The Pink Phink'. It is though superior to the still thoroughly enjoyable previous cartoon 'Pink Pajamas' and is great quality and so much fun in...
He did publicity for Blake Edwards’ The Pink Panther (1963), The Return of the Pink Panther (1975) and The Pink Panther Strikes Again (1976) and Richard Lester’s The Three Musketeers (1973), The Four Musketeers: Milady’s Revenge (1974) and The Return of the Musketeers (1989), Super...
Jacques Clouseau, fictional French police detective inspector, most memorably portrayed by the English comic actor Peter Sellers, in a popular series of slapstick comedies beginning with The Pink Panther (1963). Inspector Clouseau is a bumbling, accident
The Pink Panther Show: Created by Bob Camp, Chuck Tately. With Rich Little, Paul Frees, Dave Barry, Mel Blanc. A classy, resourceful panther has plenty of hilarious misadventures, outwitting those who annoy him with his clever tricks.
As a cartoon, it is decent but also uneven. 'Pink in the Clink' is not one of the best Pink Panther cartoons while also not one of the worst. If anything it is around solid middle, doing a lot right while not succeeding at everything or exceeding it.Bad things: By all means it ...
The early Pink Panther cartoons were always minimal and simple in style but were always elegant in doing so, however the vast majority of the post-1975 cartoons took that simplicity to extremes so it was somewhat simplistic instead. Aside from the theme tune, the music is lacking the ...
'Pink Pajamas' is the Pink Panther's second cartoon after 'The Pink Phink'. It is not as good as that cartoon, which is one of the best of the series in my view, and one half is better than the other. It is still a lot of fun though and a good representation of why Pink is...
The Pink Panther, British comedy film, released in 1963, that was the first and arguably the best entry in the Pink Panther film series. Bumbling French detective Jacques Clouseau (played by Peter Sellers) is assigned to prevent the notorious villain Pha