The show itself will be divided between the 10 tracks off the album, in chronological order, each having a different theme; some futuristically looking forward and some a retro acknowledgment to Pink Floyd's visual history, all relating to a time and space experience, embracing up to the ...
The show itself will be divided between the 10 tracks off the album, in chronological order, each having a different theme; some futuristically looking forward and some a retro acknowledgment to Pink Floyd’s visual history, all relating to a time and space experience, embracing up to the minu...
Gilmour has many strengths, but lyrics are not one of them – which is why he so willingly accepted the help of his girlfriend-turned-wife Polly Samson on Pink Floyd’s last two albums (as well as his solo discs). He gets off a few good lines without her help on “Coming Back to...
The End: Pink Floyd The End celebrate the 50th anniversary of the release of one ofthe most memorable and enduring rock albums in the history of music.With an immersive show, they present a musical and sensory experience where it will share w...
Longtime music journalist Bill Kopp, in his new bookReinventing Pink Floyd: From Syd Barrett to the Dark Side of the Moon, takes that close chronological look and proves as much. He examines each and every album of that period as well as all matter of stray singles tracks and unreleased st...
(Dark Side of The Moon, Animals, Wish You Were Here, and The Wall). The cool thing about the setlist is that it was presented in chronological order exactly as Pink Floyd released the songs/albums (except for one song that was out of order Echoes). To put things in context here is...