平克·弗洛伊德(Pink Floyd)是一支英国摇滚乐队,成立于1965年。风格偏电子和迷幻摇滚,他们不断的演化成一支先锋摇滚乐队。他们哲学化的歌词、声音实验、不断创新的CD封面艺术和精心设计的现场表演都闻名于世。作为乐队最成功和最具影响力的一件事情是,他们的专辑在全世界范围售出有2.5亿张,全美国范围有7千3百万张。
Pink Floyd <The Wall>:舒适地麻木——墙上的另一块砖 作为摇滚史上浓墨重彩的一支传奇乐队,创于1965年的平克·弗洛伊德(Pink Floyd),历经主创核心三度变更,但始终在摇滚的黄金年代牢牢占据一席之地。 平克·弗洛伊德其名取自美国的布鲁斯歌手——平克·安德森(Pink Anderson)和弗洛伊德·康塞尔(Floyd Council)。 虽...
Pink Floyd 407 Vintage 399 Band Tees 341 Tour Tee 113 Rock T Shirt 96 Streetwear 50 Rock Tees 34 Rock Band 23 Brockum 8 Rare 8 Screen Stars 6 Tee Shirt 6 Made In Usa 5 Other 4 Tee 4 Price $ $ Condition New/Never Worn28 Gently Used230 Used311 Very Worn18 Not Specified1 Locat...
Waters’ new band (including Squeeze’s Paul Carrack on vocals) was still capable of booking arenas, but Gilmour, Wright, and Mason, as Pink Floyd, staged the highest grossing tour of the 1980s. Leave it to Pink Floyd to generate quantum versions of its original self. In a 1987 Rolling...
AuSSIE FLOYD| PINK FLOYD TRIBUTE SHOW TourDates Please be aware that not all dates listed are on sale yet, if the ticket links do not work please check back regularly. GERMANYPOLANDCZECHIASLOVAKIAAUSTRIASWITZERLANDFRANCELUXEMBOURGCANADAUSAUK
【平克•弗洛伊德】(PINK FLOYD)大卫吉尔莫、理查德怀特-Live In Gdansk: 2008波兰格丹斯克演唱会实录。 wokanbilibili 【考古采访】Pink Floyd- 考古青年时期的Pink Floyd Pink Floyd 02:38 伦敦奥运会点火仪式 pink floyd-Eclipse 被吸干的darling 3.1万78 ...
The Wall Live 1980-81 Is There Anybody Out There 2000 Echoes - The best of Pink Floyd 2001 The Dark Side Of The Moon 2003 SACD (Super Audio CD) 30th anniversary re-release. are selling well thanks to their worldwide legions of loyal fans. ...
Azimuth Coordinator (1975-1980) 全部播放 专辑名:Azimuth Coordinator (1975-1980) 歌手:Pink Floyd 发行时间:1998-01-01 简介:Recorded live in Vancouver, B.C. on April 18th, 1975. One of the greatest features of a PF live show was the presentation of music yet to be released. Throughout...
【中字纪录片】2012 平克·弗洛伊德:愿你在此的故事 Pink Floyd: The Story of Wish You Were Here 1:00:01 2012 Roger Waters 桑迪飓风赈灾演唱会 56:50 2011 The Pink Floyd Tribute Show Live From Liverpool 2:19:35 【饭拍】2010 Roger Waters The Wall (Live Show 芝加哥) 1:51:27 【饭拍】2010...
表演者:Pink Floyd 流派:摇滚 专辑类型:专辑 介质:Audio CD 发行时间:2000-04-18 出版者:Sony 唱片数:2 条形码:0074646205822 豆瓣评分 9.6 327人评价 5星 83.9% 4星 13.8% 3星 1.4% 2星 0.9% 1星 0.0% 想听在听听过 评价: 写短评 写乐评