"name": "vue-3-pinia-registration-login-example", "private": true, "version": "0.0.0", "scripts": { "dev": "vite", "build": "vite build", "preview": "vite preview" }, "dependencies": { "pinia": "^2.0.13", "vee-validate": "^4.5.11", "vue": "^3.2.33", "vue-route...
Tutorial on how to build a simple login application with Vue 3 and Pinia that uses JWT authentication.
pinia 是一个 Vue3 的状态管理库,它的 API 设计和 Vuex 有很大的相似之处,但是它的实现方式和 Vuex 完全不同,它是基于 Vue3 的新特性 Composition API 实...
uniapp介绍的网址 https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/vue3-pinia.html 第一步:在 main.js 中引入插件: import { createSSRApp } from 'vue'; import * as Pinia from 'pinia'; //(使用* as Pinia语法),导出Pinia库的所有成员 export function createApp() { const app = createSSRApp(App); ...
Pinia和Vuex一样都是是vue的全局状态管理器。其实Pinia就是Vuex5,只不过为了尊重原作者的贡献就沿用了这个看起来很甜的名字Pinia。 本文将通过Vue3的形式对两者的不同实现方式进行对比,让你在以后工作中无论使用到Pinia还是Vuex的时候都能够游刃有余。
https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/vue3-pinia.html 注意 uni-app 内置了Pinia。Vue 2 项目暂不支持。 HBuilder X 已内置了 Pinia,无需手动安装。 项目结构 代码语言:javascript 复制 ├── pages ├──static└── stores └── common.js ...
选择Vue3+TS的版本即可 二、安装pinia npmaddpinia@next 挂载Pinia main.ts import{ createApp }from'vue'import'./style.css'importAppfrom'./App.vue'import{createPinia}from'pinia'constpinia =createPinia()constapp =createApp(App)// 挂载到 Vue 根实例app.use(pinia)createApp(App).mount('#app')...
Pinia可以用于vue2.x也可以用于vue3.x中 安装 yarnaddpinia -S main.js引入 import{createApp}from"vue"importAppfrom"./app.vue"importstorefrom"./store/index.js"constapp =createApp(App);conststore =createPinia(); app.use(store).mount("#app") ...
Q&A sessionwith Eduardo San Martin (creator of Pinia) where he answers some really interesting questions about Pinia and state management in general. He also demonstrates, in a live tutorial, how you can persist state in Pinia using local storage with theuseLocalStoragecomposable from VueUse....
I also wrote a store and a component for the cart but I will not include it in the tutorial. The mechanism is similar and you can inspect the source code in the repository which has everything included, even some extra styles. Step 3 – Testing Vue.js Components Component testing is a...