Pingu Runs Away: Dirigido por Otmar Gutmann, Marianne Noser. Con Carlo Bonomi. Pingu and his parents are eating their dinner one night, but Pingu is not happy because he has to eat seaweed. After ruining the dinner and getting spanked, Pingu runs away fr
Pingu Runs Away 8 View source This article is about Pingu Runs Away. You may be looking for Pingu Goes Away.Spoiler warning: The information in the article below contains spoilers for both the original series and the reboot itself. So, please consider watching the episode(s) in question if...
Pingu Runs Away: Directed by Otmar Gutmann, Marianne Noser. With Carlo Bonomi. Pingu and his parents are eating their dinner one night, but Pingu is not happy because he has to eat seaweed. After ruining the dinner and getting spanked, Pingu runs away fr