平沙港 平沙镇 Pingsha (Port of Pingsha,城市港口五字码:CNPSH,城市代码: 44, CN )是中华人民共和国广东省珠海市金湾区下辖的一个乡镇级行政单位. 平沙的土地是围海造田填出来的,土地广阔,地势比较平坦,区域内主要的山峰有孖髻山和连湾山。平沙属亚热带海洋性气候,年平均气温22.6℃,年平均降雨量2368mm,日...
Pingsha is now home to 18 yacht manufacturers, 11 of which are overseas-owned. Sixteen of the 18 manufacturers have started operation while two others are under construction. Seven are large-scale enterprises with registered capital of over 20 million yuan ($2.94 million) each. ...
On early morning of Sep. 22nd, a few volunteers packed the CTC Love School Bags at C2W office in Jida, 138 bags for 138 underprivileged students in and around Pingsha, Zhuhai ahead of taking them there for the cer...
平沙 首页>汉语词典 《平沙》 词语平沙 拼音píng shā注音ㄆㄧㄥˊㄕㄚ 解释1.指广阔的沙原。 2更多:https://www.bmcx.com/.含沙量一般的沙地。对"轻沙"﹑"重沙"而言。 其它“平”字典“沙”字典
萍沙 首页>佛学大辞典 佛学大辞典 关键字: 摘自:丁福保佛学大词典 (人名)又作瓶沙,洴沙。频婆娑罗Bimbis&amacron;ra之讹略。王名。见频婆娑条。更多:https://www.bmcx.com/ 接口调用|联系我们
上世纪六十年代,近万名知识青年“上山下乡”,从广东罗定等地来到平沙,开始了大规模的围海造田工程。在此期间,平沙造田约44万亩,从一片荒凉的滩涂,变成当时全国著名的甘蔗生产基地。 平沙知青正在围垦、耕种 上世纪七十年代的平沙糖厂全貌 (请以上三张照片作者或权利人与我们联系稿酬事宜) ...
Best known for Ocean Spring Resort and its yacht-building industry, Pingsha could attract an addition 3 million tourists yearly to the facility -- Sokka International Football Small Town. Upon completion, the sports town is expected to create 5,000 jobs, generate more than 3 billion yuan ($43...