遇到"ping: transmit failed. general failure." 错误时,通常表明在尝试使用 ping 命令向目标地址发送 ICMP(Internet Control Message Protocol)回显请求包时遇到了问题。这个问题可能由多种原因引起,下面我将根据提供的 tips 逐一进行分析,并给出可能的解决方案: 确认问题背景: 首先,了解你遇到这个错误时是在什么情...
“PING: transmit failed. General failure”This is in fact expected and it functions according to the design. The NLB IP Address is added to the network interface using the “SkipAsSource” flag, meaning it cannot be used as a source IP Address for outgoing conne...
默认路由转发包到路由器wan口发出,没有回包,导致time out。 2、检查目的设备防火墙,是否防火墙拦截了ping的requst消息进入设备高层。 3、目的设备子网掩码的设置错误,导致没有回程路由。 4、环境中存在多网卡设备接在同一交换机下,用错误的mac地址回答请求本机其他网卡ip地址的arp请求消息,或者广播域存在ip冲突,回答...
I can ping but any other ip address on the network and I get a PING: transmit failed. General failure. If I uninstall the nic cards and reinstall them they are assigned random ip info and I can get to the internet but no network resources. The sever is multihomed but I ...
ARP - why PING: transmit failed. General failure. Hi i removed the default gateway address from my NICC:\Windows\System32>ping -S PING: transmit failed. General failure.why the result is "PING: transmit failed. General failure." ...
Question Friday, July 1, 2011 12:49 PM In windows 7 (64-bit), I am send ping -6 message from one system to another system with in LAN using IPv6. ping message is not send. But i got one error message PING: transmit failed. General failure. ...
一般故障:当设备网卡或无线适配器存在物理问题时,将导致“Ping:transmit failed. ”(Ping:传输失败)、“一般失败’错误。 例子: code ping 2DAB:FFFF:0000:3EAE:01AA:00FF:DD72:2C4A Pinging 2dab:ffff:0:3eae:1aa:ff:dd72:2c4a with 32 bytes of data: PING: transmit failed. General failure. PI...
传输失败,一般错误 transmit failed. General failure 源设备中没有默认路由 ttl传输中过期 ttl exceeded 目标ip网段在环境中存在路由环路 路由重定向 icmp redirect 路由错误,比如目的ip应该走直连路由却送到网关上去了 我们知道两台设备要进行通信,必须的组网结构是源设备,源目的接入通信链路,节点交换设备(二层,三层...
PING: transmit failed. General failure. Pingstatisticsfor2dab:ffff:0:3eae:1aa:ff:dd72:2c4a: Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 解决方案:确保网卡没有问题。确保设备上安装了最新版本的网络驱动程序,检查是否为设备分配了正确...
传输失败,一般错误 transmit failed. General failure 源设备中没有默认路由 ttl传输中过期 ttl exceeded 目标ip网段在环境中存在路由环路 路由重定向 icmp redirect 路由错误,比如目的ip应该走直连路由却送到网关上去了 我们知道两台设备要进行通信,必须的组网结构是源设备,源目的接入通信链路,节点交换设备(二层,三层...