The meaning of APE is any of various large tailless semi-erect primates of Africa and southeastern Asia (such as the chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, or gibbon) —called also anthropoid, anthropoid ape. How to use ape in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of
Specifies the number of times for sending ICMPv6 Echo Request messages. You can increase the number of outgoing packets to detect the network quality based on the packet loss rate. The value is an integer that ranges from 1 to 4294967295. The default value is 5. ...
If both the-rangeand-ccountparameters are specified, the device sends ICMP Echo Request messages of the same payload length for the number of times specified by the-ccountparameter. minmin-size Specifies the minimum payload length of an ICMP Echo Request message. ...
it will consider the packet lost and display a timeout error. The command will then attempt to resend the packet a certain number of times (usually three by default) before giving up and moving on to the next packet.
Use theTtlproperty to specify the maximum number of times the ICMP echo message can be forwarded before reaching its destination. If the packet does not reach its destination after being forwarded the specified number of times, the packet is discarded and the ICMP echo request fails. When this...
The number of probes to be sent at each TTL level. The default count is 3. Minimum Time to Live [1]: The TTL value for the first probes. The default is 1, but it can be set to a higher value to suppress the display of known hops. ...
Packets:Sent = 4,Received = 4,Lost= 0 (0% loss),Approximateround trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms 从上面就可以知道IP为192.168.1.21的计算机NetBios名为。 -n count Number of echo requests to send. ...
!--- number 17890 is an expected value and tries to ping 17890 times. Packet sent with a source address of !!! !!! !!!
ip地址 -l 字节数注:上面的命令中 l 是字母l,不是数字1网速等于≈(发送的字节数/返回的时间[毫秒])K字节以上计算的结果速为字节(byte),不是我们通常说的位(bps)如:C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>ping -l 1000Pinging with 1000 bytes of ...
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